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***Melissa's POV***

I wake up to my phone vibrating. I stretch out my arm to reach for my phone on the night stand. The bright light makes my eyes burn for nothing because apparently my phone wasn't the one that went off.

I look over to my other side and I see Heather all rolled up with her hands up to her face. Her phone was the one going off. I instantly push her off the bed.

"What the heck? What was that for?!" She hissed.

"First of all that's payback for when you pushed me off your bed. Secondly your phone woke me up. Who knows who you're texting." I reply.

Just then I think of one name. Drew. She must have read my mind because she just stayed quiet.

"It's Drew isn't it?" I say.

She just started to blush. I quickly reach down to take her phone and she didn't even fight for it. She must actually trust me. I scroll through the text messages.

Drew: Wake up sleeping beauty. The birds are out.

Heather:Aww I love waking up to that...good morning <3

Drew: Any plans for today?

Heather: What did you have in mind?

Drew: I thought we could go to the zoo and hang with some animals.

Heather: Sure. I love animals.

"No way. You're going out with Drew?!" I say shockingly.

"Yes." She replies.

"You should have told me so you two could have joined on the double date and then it could have been a triple date."

"Nah. It's fine. I think we should go alone because we still need to get to know each other."

"Wow. I can't believe your going out with someone older than you."

"Hey it's just by two years."

"Oh true. Never mind."

We then start to get ready for the day that we have ahead of us.

***Heathers POV***

Drew picks me up and we head to the zoo. He had to help me get off the car because it was a bit to high for me. As we walk around the park I see many couples around. I would have expected more kids.

"Where do you want to go first?" Drew asked.

"How about we go to the 'Jungle Kingdom'" I reply.

He takes my hand and leads the way. There were a couple of really cool animals in there but unfortunately it started to pour rain. We quickly run to a near gift shop. We watched the rain fall and form puddles.

"Do you want to head on back and watch a movie or something?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm getting cold anyways." I say.

As if he had read my mind he takes off his jacket and gives it to me. As we walk out I feel his arm wrap around my waist.

The entire ride back to his house we listen to the radio. The song 'Get Lucky' comes up and I start to sing as if I'm alone. Once I realize that I'm not I stop singing. I look over at Drew and he has a surprised look on his face.

"I knew you could sing." He tells me with a smirk.

"I think I broke your eardrums." I reply.

"Not if you sing that good."

I instantly feel my cheeks get red. As soon as we arrive we get some popcorn ready and put in a Classic Disney movie. Mulan.

***Melissa's POV***

The four of us cruise down the boardwalk of Venice beach. I must say that I'm a pretty good teacher because within a day I taught Quinn how to skateboard. As we went down the boardwalk to Yogurtland to get some samples, Keats and I skated hand in hand.  

"Ok don't hate me but I have never tried yogurt actually." I say shyly.

"What?!" Tyler says with the straightest face I've ever seen.

"I can't believe we have been dating for almost a year and I've never taken you to Yogurtland." Keaton admits.

"Well now it's your oppurtunity. C'mon." I say.

I look at all the different flavors and decide to just go with Vanilla and Orange. Keaton and Tyler suggested it. I think I had gone a bit crazy with the toppings because it had been mainly candy. We sit down at a table outside and enjoyed the nice breeze. 

We decide to go to the shore and just watch the sunset. It was pretty nice and relaxing. It never got old to watch the sunset. Especially with these amazing sunsets from Cali. As me and Keaton watched the sun go down beyond our eyes could see Tyler and Quinn were running around chasing each other and just acting like little kids. It was getting pretty dark so we decided to go back home.

As I opened the door I saw Drew with Heather cuddling on the couch watching a movie. 

"Damn chop!" I said teasingly.

Immediately she starts to get red. I think by now Drew thinks she added some blush as make up. I sit down next to them and start to watch the movie.

"So what are we watching?" I say intruding their privacy. 

"Oh cmon. Drew never did that to you when we barely started dating." Keaton says.

"I know but hes dating my cousin. I need to watch out for her." I joking around. 

We all start to laugh lightly and the rest of us take a seat in the living room. This was perfect. For the first time everyone in the room had someone to be with. But I was afraid it wouldn't last much longer. I started to get a bit sad and I could tell that I started to show it. 

"Babe are you ok?" Keaton whispered. 

"We need to talk." I say.

We walk out to the backyard and I just start to pace around. I look over at Keaton and worry fills up his face.

"Missy, whats wrong." he asked as he got a grib of me so I would stop walking around.

"Heather's mom passed away, Keaton. And I'm going back to San Diego with her." I say with my eyes full of tears. 

I couldn't stand the thought of someone in my family passing away nor me having to leave the people I love behind for who knows how long. 

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