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***Melissa's POV***
I wake up to my phone ring from a text message. I try to get it without getting my face off the pillow. I end up hitting my finger against something and that's when I fully woke up.

I look at my phone and grab it. I unlock it to see I have a text from Wes.

Wes:Hey Missy. Me and the boys are going for a run in the neighborhood. Want to come along?

Well I do need to run more. I haven't since a while now. Plus it won't hurt me. I just need to get my lazy ass up.

Me:Sure Wes. What time and where do I meet you guys?

Wes:in 30 min and we'll pick you up.

Me:Just letting you know that I'm a slow runner.

Wes: Don't worry. It's not a race...or is it?

Me:Haha ok whatever. See ya soon.

Once I take a deep breath I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I look at my closet I realize I don't have any workout clothes. Crap! What am I going to wear?!

I decide to just wear my old gym black shorts with a blue v-neck. I look at myself in the mirror as I pin my bangs back and I put my hair up in a high ponytail.

I add no make up on since I am going running. I won't need any. Plus I have no one to impress nor do I wear that much make up.

I grab my iPhone and I walk over to my parents room and let my dad know I was going out for a run. He didn't care much because he knew I was going with Keaton. Surprisingly he trusted the Strombergs a lot more than any other friends that are close to us.

I grab an apple and icy water before I hear the car outside my driveway. I look through the window and run to the car.

"Hey guys. How's your morning so far?" I ask starting small talk.

"Not so good. This girl kept crying last night about some kind of pain." Drew told me.

"Girl? There's a girl? Oh Drew, who is she?" I ask all excited.

"Calm down Missy. He's talking about Keaterpan over here winning about his nose." Wes explains as we drove off.

"Hey if you got in a fight and almost got your nose broken then you would be in pain too." Keaton hisses back.

"Aww. Did baby Keats have bad pains last night?" I say in a baby voice.

He turns to me and nods. I then kiss the tip of his nose and then peck his lips quickly.

"Feels much better now." He says with a smirk.

I smile and start listening to the radio. We all sing to the top of our lungs until we arrive at the park.

As soon as we get off the car and walk towards the park,the guys stretch. I'm not really use to this so I just copy what they do. Before I could stand back up from a stretching position they run off.

"A warning could have been nice!" I yell because they are all ahead of me.

"C'mon Missy. You have to keep up if you're going to run with us." Drew tells me while he runs backwards.

"Show off."

"Hurry up. I don't think you like these stares that girls are giving Keats over here."

Oh he got me this time. I start running faster and before I know it I am passing Keats and Drew. Wes is up more ahead but I don't think I could catch up to him. He's too fast.

After running 1 1/2 miles we decide to take a small break. They knew I wasn't use to running so we stopped. Keaton for some reason collapsed on the floor and so did I. I lay my head on his chest. I could feel my head move towards the sky and back down from him taking deep breaths.

"You ok babe?" I ask.

"Yeah are you" he says back.

"I don't know let me catch my breath then I'll let you know."

He laughs a bit. Out of nowhere I feel water on my face.

"Agh. Wes!" I scream.

He had poured water on my face.

"What you looked really red. I was just trying to help." He says with a smirk.

"Thanks but you could have just offered me some water you know."

"Nah. It wouldn't have been as funny."

"I have to admit that's true."

"Ready to start off again?" Drew asked.

We all nod yes and start running again. Not too long after, my phone starts to ring.

"Hey guys hold up!" I tell them.

We stop and they come to me. I answer my phone and they try to listen into the conversation.

***Wesley's POV***
Right when we start running again Missy stops us to answer a phone call. I walk over to her to see who had called her. All I could hear was.

"Hey mom."
"Yeah I came for a run with the guys."
"Um I guess. What time?"
"Wait. Why?"
"Ok. See ya at home."

Well she was surprised about something.

"What happened? is everything fine?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's just that my mom wants to go to your guys house tonight for dinner and I'm coming along too." She explains.

"Wait what. Something must have happened because that's not very usual." Keaton says with a confused look.

"I guess she finally found out what you and Keats over here do when you guys secretly stay over at each other's houses. She must be planning on telling Laraine tonight." Drew says making fun of them.

I start cracking up because that's actually believable.

"Oh c'mon me and Keats do nothing like that. Plus we only stayed over at each other's houses if it was an emergency." Missy defends herself.

"Oh really. Well if it was an 'emergency' why don't you want our parents to know?" I ask.

"Ok you got us but we don't do anything inappropriate. We just have movie nights. That's all." Keats says.

"Well whatever it is we will find out tonight. C'mon let's finish our run. It's almost noon." I say before taking off again.

We run another 2 miles before taking Missy home to shower and get ready for dinner. Well I think tonight is going to be fun.

***Melissa's POV***
I'm at Keaton's front door waiting with my mom to be welcomed by Laraine, Keaton's mom.

"Hi. Nice to see you again. Please come in." Laraine says while bringing us in a hug.

She is honestly such a sweetheart. Keaton and Wes are lucky to have a mom like her.

"Oh Melissa the boys are setting up the table. You can go ahead and help them out if you'd like." She tells me.

I walk towards the kitchen.

"So what have you been up to?" I heard her asked my mom while sitting on a couch.

They have both gotten along so well. They could almost be considered best friends if you ask me.

I walk into the kitchen and find Wes putting the plates in place while Keaton put the cups in place and Drew drank a Naked juice by the stove.

"Wow. I'm shocked. You guys are actually doing something." I exaggerate.

"Haha very funny. We're almost done." Keaton tells me before pecking me on the cheek.

"So have you guys figured out why we are all gathered here today?" I ask nervously.

"Woah Melissa this is a dinner. Not a ceremony. No need to say it like that." Drew says.

We laugh about it then get all serious again. No one had a single good idea for why we were all together. Something must have happened.

Soon enough we all sit at the table and eat the delicious dinner Laraine made.
After we all had finished our plates Keaton spoke up.

"So is there something we need to talk about?"

"Actually yes." My mom says.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Are we in trouble?" Keaton asked.

"We'll you see. We moved here almost 2 years ago and we left family back in San Diego."

"Yeah so? Not trying to be mean but what does this have to do with us?" I ask as nicely as it could possibly sound.

"Well we have to go visit." My mom finishes.

"Wait what? How long will you be there for?" Wes asked.

"A week or so."

"I'm sorry but I can't go. I have school and I have things to do here and I need to finish all these papers. I wish I could go but if I knew before I would have gotten all of this done." I lie.

"Well that's why me and your mother talked and we agreed that you could stay here for the week." Laraine said.

"Wait are you serious mom. I can stay here." I say almost screaming with joy.

"Yes but you have to do all your work and listen to Laraine." My mom says.

"That's awesome. Missy's gonna live with us for a week." Wes says happy.

"But there's some things you need to know." My mom says.

"Go ahead. Tell me."

"You will stay in the guest bedroom and Keaton has to stay in his room. You can't lock your door. Also you can ride your skateboard to school as long as you have your phone with you. Listen carefully again. Melissa you stay in the guest bedroom and Keaton you stay in your room. Agree?" Laraine told us.

"Agree." me and Keaton say at the same time.

We get our desserts and chat for a while longer. After an hour I get tired as does my mom. Wow today was great. I found out I get to stay at Keaton's house for an entire week.

***Couple Days Later***
Today was the 5 night over at Keaton's. It was legendary staying over at his house. We would go to the beach or go skating almost everyday. Carly would come over once in a while too.

I think I need to stop going out as much because I still have school work to do. I'm a junior already. Keaton would be out of high school if he was in it. I have so much homework to do. I usually get help from Syd but I haven't seen her out of school lately because I'm staying over at the Stromberg's house.

I skate to school and with Keats at my side. We hold hands as we skate. It's only a couple blocks away so he doesn't mind dropping me off at school. It's the endings of summer but it's as if it was the mid summer days. The sun is touching our skin and the wind is blowing on our faces. Could be any better.

"Are you going to want me to come pick you up?" he asked me with a smirk.

"I'm not a little kid Keats." I say holding both his hands while facing him.

I walk to my locker and meet up with Syd. She comes walking with her boyfriend Alex. They have been dating for almost 2 months now. We walk to our first class together since it's the same one. We do small talk till the lesson starts.

I feel almost all eyes on me. I look around and some girls are giving me a crappy look. What did I do?

"Don't worry bout them. They just hate the fact you're with Keats." Syd says.

"You're right. I shouldn't let them get to me. Plus what matters is our relationship." I say with a confident smile.


We walk over to our next classes. I had math next. I didn't like it so much. Felt like the day went on forever. So I decided to take a small nap.

Before I knew it I was awaken by the bell ringing. I hope this day goes by faster. I go to the rest of my classes then lunch then another 2 classes.

The entire day I either had more people come up to me to talk about me and the guys or I would get nasty stares from a distance. I would need to get use to it.

I walk outside to where I would meet Keaton. I see him sitting under a tree.

"What are you doing under a tree?" I ask.

"Waiting for my girlfriend."

"Awe." I sit next to him, "did you bring me what I wanted?" I ask.

"Oh crap I forgot that."

"It's ok. It's just a drink."

"Oh so I can drink this Naked Strawberry Banana bottle?" He says with an evil smirk.

"What? You actually got me one?" I say shocked.

"Of course. My babe wanted a drink so I got it. Plus I wanted one too."

We skate back to the house and drop of our things. We lay on the bed looking at the ceiling trying to think of something to do.

"Let's go to the amusement park." I say say rolling on to my stomach and look at him with a smirk.

"I would say yeah but don't you have homework to do?" he says concerned.

"True but I can do it over the weekend. Where almost on break anyways. Just tomorrow then I have a week off."

"I rather you do your work because if your mom finds out you were lagging it you won't be able to stay over anymore."

"Could we at least go to Starbucks? I could do my work there."

"Let's go."

He grabs his keys and we go to Starbucks. We get our usual and sit at a table. Keaton was actually helping me with my work and I got it done in no time.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew how to do this?" I ask him.

"We'll you never showed me your work so how was I suppose to know you needed help."

"Ok you got me but I think I just got myself a new tutor."

He blushes a bit. I can't believe how long we have been going out and I am still able to make him blush for no reason. I peck him on the cheek and my phone starts to ring. I answer it.

"Hey mom. How's everything going?" I ask.

"Fine. We are actually going to stay another week and would like you to come." She says.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't leave. The entire reason I stayed was because I wanted to stay with Keaton. Seems like either way I would have to go San Diego.

I would need to have a small vacation that I didn't want at all. I would go back to my past. I bet I would be a stranger because I was someone who wasn't myself back over there. What will happen to me while I'm there next week?

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