Chapter 4 - Heart's Desire

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Emiko pov:

"It looks like the fight took quite a toll on your body, Sasuke," spoke Jugo while we walked.

I glanced at Sasuke at that to notice him sweating and breathing heavily. He was probably the most drained in the group, his chakra completely depleted. Mine was too though so I could not summon enegry to use Sage Mode to replenish a bit of energy in either of us.

Placing a hand on Sasuke's arm to make him look at me, I said, "We should rest for a while before we continue to the hideout, Sasuke. You fought when you were still recovering from your fight with Itachi - it only makes sense that you're tired. I can set up a barrier to keep up safe."

The mere mention of Itachi's name made my chest constrict but I made sure to not show any hint of sadness to Sasuke.

"I didn't think we would be driven into a corner like that and end up this tired but I don't want to stop. We can rest after we give this to Tobi," Sasuke replied.

"Sasuke, a short rest won't upset him."

"I'm fine, Nee chan," he insisted, making me sigh softly.

"Alright, as long as you're fine," I said in response and we continued on to the hideout in silence.

When we reached one of the many Akatsuki hideouts, Sasuke was quick to throw the Jinchuriki on the ground in front of Madara and walk out immediately with Jugo following. I remained, and Madara waited until Sasuke was out of earshot to speak to me.

"It seems Sasuke took quite a bit of damage, and so did you," he spoke in an almost mocking tone.

I did not look away from his glowing eye as I answered, "He is a perfect Jinchuriki, one who can harness the full power of the Bijuu within him. I'm sure you're well aware that dealing with such an opponent is no easy task, Madara sama."

"I suppose," he mused.

"Anyway, since we have got you the Jinchuriki, we will be on our way." With a chaste bow, I turned to leave from the hideout. I stalled though, when Madara spoke.

"You still belong to the Akatsuki, Emiko hime, and your loyalty is to me. Don't forget." His words made me twitch ever so slightly. It was as if he had a hunch that there was something going on in my mind, that I was planning something. I remained blank even though I wished to smile in amuse.

"I'm aware of that, Madara sama," I replied, sounding the slightest bit smug. It was not enough for him to notice though.

I joined up with Sasuke and Jugo outside though frowned upon noticing just how exhausted Sasuke was. Stepping to him and placing a hand on his arm, I said, "C'mon, Sasuke, we should hurry to Orochimaru's hideout."

We held hands as we walked. A gentle squeeze from Sasuke had me glancing at him curiously. He appeared upset when he spoke, "Nee chan, I'm sorry for letting you get hurt. I promised that I would protect you but I failed."

"That's supposed to be my line, Sasuke," I said with a soft laugh. "As a team, we watched each other's back and that's what matters here."

He returned my smile at that. "You're right but I still wish I could have done better."

We settled to walk in silence after that. Mild nervousness had begun to stir inside me while my thoughts wandered to how and what I wished to say to Sasuke concerning our next steps. I did not want Sasuke to go on as an avenger, to hold onto so much hatred and destroy Konoha. Though Konoha's elders were at fault in the matter of the Uchiha Clan, it was not Itachi's wish for the remaining innocent populace of Konoha to be held responsible. In fact, he only wanted koniha to be safe but Sasuke was on the path to doing the exact opposite.

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