Chapter 16 - True Love can Spark Miracles

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Emiko pov:

"I hate you, but I understand you," Itachi said to Kabuto, confusing me and Sasuke. "We were both spies who lived false lives in this world. I didn't know who I really was at one point either."

My heart ached upon hearing his words, reminding me of all those nights he had slept in my arms with his face in the crook of my neck shuddering at nightmares that tortured him. I couldn't even imagine how much he must have had to endure during those times.

"I finally understand that to know oneself is not to achieve everything and become perfect. It is knowing what you can and cannot do," Itachi said. His words held much truth, for one knew themselves best only if they knew and accepted their capabilities.

"That sounds like the words of a loser," Kabuto said with a scoff before smirking. "Acknowledging what you cannot do - isn't that the same as giving up?"

"It's amusing that you don't even understand something so simple," I said, earning a glare in response. It was ignored as I added, "Knowing oneself gives you a chance to depend on people, to let you know that you're not alone and that you can forgive yourself for not being able to do something by yourself. You don't have to do everything on your own."

As much as I was lecturing Kabuto, I also hoped that my words reached Itachi too. I hoped that it would lighten the burden on his heart that he surely carried even after he had passed on. He did not have to handle everything by himself but he had and it had left him remorseful until the very last moment.

"Emiko is right - you cannot do everything yourself. That's why you have comrades. It also makes sure that you don't miss out on things that you can still accomplish," Itachi said, glancing at me a moment with fondness that brought a smile upon my lips.

Somewhere deep within, I did understand the frustration that Kabuto felt and I pitied him. But it didn't justify what he was doing now. He had to stop this madness. He wasn't going to achieve anything from bringing people back to life and bringing sad memories to those still alive in the name of influencing us to lose against him. Besides, it was not like Madara cared what happened to Kabuto in the end even if he was helping him fight the war.

"If you want to know who you are, you must reexamine and acknowledge your true self. I failed to do that. I lied to everyone and I lied to myself. I deluded myself. Those who don't acknowledge themselves will fail , just like I did. But at the last moments of my life, I was able to see who I truly was thanks to Emiko, which is why I believe that I didn't fail completely," Itachi added. My eyes stung at his words but also made me slightly relieved that I had been of at least some help to Itachi.

"What do you two know about me?" Kabuto snapped in response. "I have been perusing who and what I am in my own way! My whole life! From the beginning, I was nothing."

"You were and are not nothing, Kabuto," I said, though he only narrowed his eyes at me. "There are many great people in this world who have been able to achieve many things and become legends that everyone look up to, and they all started from being nothing. YOu achieved things in your own way but what you're doing now is crossing the line."

"Don't patronize me," he hissed.

"I have no need to do that, and you know that my words hold truth." It was still not too late for him to understand that he could do the right thing, to call off this war and start over. But it seemed that he had gone too deep into the darkness to come out of it. He trusted no one and couldn't see that in the midst of trying to find his true self, he had lost his way.

"I don't understand why you two are even bothering to talk to him. He's so annoying. Can't we just kill him and get this over with?" Sasuke asked, narrowing his eyes.

Love can spark Miracles - Uchiha Itachi Fanfic [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now