Chapter 13 - The War Begins

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Emiko pov:

My eyes were focused on what was ahead of me as Sasuke and I ran through the trees to the front lines of the war along with several other shinobi. We were all getting into position to fight in the war against the Akatsuki. We were heading over as backup to a group that was already fighting an army of White Zetsu.

I had insisted that Sasuke and I fight on thebfront lines because we were partially at fault for not stopping the war beforehand. Though the Daimyous were not very supportive of the idea, the Kages had put their trust in us. Perhaps it was more apt to say that the Kages had put their trust in me and Tsunade sama's judgement rather than in Sasuke - the latter was, after all, still short tempered and not very enthusiastic about helping the poeple who had only ever been against Itachi.

We had already received intel that an army of White Zetsu was making its way through an underground tunnel with the intention of an ambush against the Allied Shinobi Force. They had been sensed and forcefully pulled out of the ground in several locations, and were being dealt with. They were foot soldiers, not very strong, so defeating them was not posing to be any problem to most.

Of course, they were just a distraction. Stronger shinobi had been revived as actual opponents and with the intention of capturing Naruto and Bee san - the only remaining Jinchuriki that Tobi needed for his Jyuubi revival. Naruto and Bee san had been sent to a safe place so that they would not get caught in the war, but I knew that it was only a matter of time before they would have to fight to protect the Shinobi World. They were surely the only ones powerful enough to stand up against Tobi and the real Uchiha Madara he planned to revive and end this war.

We were quick to deal with thr White Zetsu when we reached the team that was already fighting them. They were easy to take out but came at us in endless numbers. We were wasting time on them and I decided to use my lightning-water combination jutsu to take out a good number of them all at once.

"Everyone, get back to a safe distance!" I hollered as I made the required hand signs. Once the others had cleared out, I released my jutsu on the hoard of Zetsu in front of us. I did not feel tired in the least after using the technique, and it had rendered the battlefield barren with dust rising into the air.

Sasuke seemwd a little disappointed that he wasn't able to fight as much as he had hoped but he said nothing. Just as I was ready to instruct the messenger of the team to contact the communication headquarters for further instructions, I felt a tight grip on my ankle. Looking down, I spotted a half destroyed Zetsu glaring at me.

"You traitor," he wheezed.

"Perhaps I am a traitor to the Akatsuki but I don't regret my decision. I am atoning for my sins by serving Konoha and the other villages," I replied, narrowing my eyes at him.

He seemed to wish to say something more to me but he was soon gone, his grip on my ankle loosening. With a soft sigh, I kicked him away before meeting Sasuke's gaze when he placed a hand on my shoulder. I regarded him with a smile and nod before looking at the others.

"Now that we're done here, please contact the communication headquarters and let them know that we are awaiting further instructions. The rest of you can take a short break until we get further instructions," I said. They nodded and took seats on the ground to relax for a bit. I then looked back to Sasuke, took a seat on the ground next to him, and asked, "What are you thinking about, Sasuke?"

"Nee chan," he spoke softly, "I have a feeling that something is going to happen."

"What do you mean by that, Sasuke? Is there anything specific I need to know? As in, pertaining to the war?"

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