Chapter 8 - Truth and Lies

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Emiko pov:

"You're not here to help anyone, are you?!" I heard a voice in the distance that had me looking away from Sasuke's eyes. I spotted Naruto standing a little away from the prison cell and watching me angrily as he added, "You are manipulating Sasuke 'ttebayo! I won't let you brainwash him!"

The two Jounin who were keeping an eye on us seemed just as surprised to see him there and one of them asked, "Naruto and Sakura, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here."

Before either of them could answer though, I chuckled at Naruto's earlier accusation. All eyes were on me as I spoke, "Where on earth did you get an idea like that? Thinking that I'm brainwashing and manipulating Sasuke?"

"It's obvious that you're manipulating him!" Naruto yelled, pointing a finger at me. "Sasuke teme, get away from that crazy person before she succeeds!"

Naruto's hollering made Sasuke frown and retort, "Oi, dobe, watch what you say about my sister."

"EEEHHH?! Sister?!" Naruto repeated, his jaw close to dropping to the floor in surprise. 

The girl next to him seemed surprised too and she spoke, "You're Sasuke kun's sister? But you're not an don't have black hair and black eyes. And Sasuke kun never told us that he had a sister." 

"I know it's a late introduction, but my name is Emiko, and I'm Itachi's wife, or rather was," I answered, a sad smile coming to my lips.

"You're Emiko hime? From Fukushima?" one of the Jounin questioned. He seemed surprised at the fact. Well, it had been many years since anyone had seen me properly and I had grown and changed - it wasn't surprising that I wasn't easily recognized.

"Yes, that's right," I answered.

"But what-"

Before the girl could ask me anything, Tsunade sama's voice echoed through the prison hold, startling everyone but me. "Naruto, Sakura, who gave you permission to visit the prisoners?!"

She was glaring harshly, appearing intimidating even to me, more so because our chakras were sealed and we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves if she decided to use us as punching bags

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She was glaring harshly, appearing intimidating even to me, more so because our chakras were sealed and we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves if she decided to use us as punching bags. I had heard of her brute strength, if not witnessed it, and I very much hoped that neither Sasuke nor I would be subjected to it in any way.

Naruto and the girl I now knew was called Sakura moved out of the way nervously to allow Tsunade sama and the village elders to enter our prison cell with a few Jounin following them. Sasuke and I stood as we watched her. When she came to a stop in front of us, I gave her a deep bow.

"It's an honor to meet you, Tsunade sama, the Slug Princess," I greeted.

"Insolent girl!" she bellowed in response making me flinch. I gasped as Sasuke dragged me back just in the nick of time to spare me from a powerful slap Tsunade sama nearly gave me and the very power I felt in the air had me shuddering at the thought of just how painful it would have been if it had made contact with my cheek.

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