Chapter 24 - Birth

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Emiko pov:

"Just hold on a little longer, Emiko! You're doing great! Just a little more!" a doctor encouraged me while I tolerated the final moments of pain of my labor. 

My hair was wet and stuck to my face - I was sweating profusely from the stress of the delivery and the pain I had had to deal with for the past day was nothing compared to what I was feeling now.

"I-I can't! It hurts!" I whimpered.  "Doctor, please do something!"

Shutting my eyes, I squeezed harder on the hand of the nurse that I was holding. Tears fell from my eyes while I writhed in pain. I wished that Itachi was here with ne, holding my hand and soothing me - it would have given me more strength  to push through this process. Nothing could be dine abour his absence thiugh, for he was out on a mission. I was more than grateful that Sasuke was with me though, having been the one who had carried me to the hospital when my labor pains had become intense. He was waiting outside now.

"Just a little more, Emiko. I know you can do this. Breathe," the doctor soothed. 

Biting on my bottom lip, I took breaths as slowly and deeply as possible, in the way I had been taught. Amid the pain, I could hear Sasuke hollering on the other side - some part of it even made me laugh weakly.

"Nee chan, are you alright? Why are you yelling so much? What are they doing to you? If they hurt you even in the slightest, I'll kill them!"

"He's quite a charming boy, isn't he?" the doctor mused in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I suppose he is," I said through heavy breaths. "He's a protective brother I'm lucky to have."

"Of course," she replied, regarding me with a smile. "Now, Emiko, I need you to put in your strength just one more time."

With a chaste nod, I braced myself and let my contraction guide me. My body tensed immensely for several moments before I went limp on the bed with my eyes closed and my breathing raspy. I was drained of energy now.

The sound of cries reached my ears and had me opening my eyes. They brimmed with tears, for that was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I was also glad that the tough part of the delivery was finally over. The nurse who had been holding my hand gave it a pat in comfort.

"You did well, Emiko. Congratulations - you have a healthy and handsome boy," the doctor said, placing the little bundle atop my chest. 

One glance at him had me tearing up more and falling in love faster and harder than what I had with Itachi. "He's so beautiful," I whispered, caressing his dark hair with my fingers. He squirmed and snuggled into me at that - and I was in heaven.

In the few moments while the doctor finished up with the post delivery procedures, I relaxed to regain my breathing and a bit of my energy. My gaze was fixated on the baby the entire while in both adoration and awe of how miraculous this moment was. Something in me felt filled to the brim, as if I wpuld burst from the joy I was feeling now. The fact that i was a mother had me feeling both proud and nervous - the latter in wonder of whether I would be good enough.

When the doctor had taken care of everything she needed to, I was helped into different clothes and then onto a stretcher to be moved to a private room.

The doctor gave me some guidance on how to care for my baby since I was a first-time mother. The information she gave me was definitely helpful, reassuring me that I would know what I was doing at any point of time. Of course, I knew that it would be a learning process, trial and error even, since the guidelines were a generalization on child care. Every baby was different, and every circumstance, need, and requirement was different. I would have to learn many things through experience.

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