Chapter 11 - Talks and Suspicions

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Emiko pov:

It was quite a while that we waited, seated outside on the steps while the Daimyous and Kages proceeded with the meeting and discussions. Sasuke was still asleep on my lap while Kakashi remained silent while seated next to me. My gaze was on the nearly cloudless sky, my mind wandering to many incoherent things.

"Being on the good side yo! The Kage summit yo!" A familiar voice broke me from my daze and had me looking ahead at Bee san who was walking towards us on the mud path. There were three people following him, whom I didn't recognise. I regarded Bee san with a smile and a chaste bow from my sitting position when he gave me a cool pose.

"It's good to see you again, Bee san," I greeted.

"Looks like the Hima sama has won yeah!" he rapped, making me chuckle.

"I suppose I have, in a way. Thank you for your belief in me, Bee san."

"Emiko, you know Bee sama?" asked Kakashi, sounding mildly surprised.

"I do. Sasuke and I tried to capture him for the Akatsuki, remember?" I answered and Kakashi nodded. Smiling fondly then, I added, "Bee san was able to see through my acting then, and forgave me and gave me a chance to change things from the way they were. I suppose I can say that it was mostly because of him that I was able to really change Sasuke's mind about destroying Konoha. I owe Bee san a lot for believing in me and insisting on never giving up on what I truly desired."

Footsteps from behind made me look back, only to see Tsunade sama approaching us. When she was close enough, she said, "I need you to come in now, Emiko."

She glanced at Sasuke and seemed momentarily awkward. Clearing her throat, she added, "I'll leave waking him to you. Make sure he doesn't do anything rash when you come inside."

She returned inside after that and Bee san and his three followers went in after her. I looked down at Sasuke and gently caressed his shoulder to wake him. "Sasuke, it's time to wake up. Tsunade sama wants us inside."

He groaned, curling up more in his sleep and it had me chuckling softly. Running my hands through his hair, I cooed again, "C'mon, Sasuke, you have to wake up now."

He woke at that, opening his eyes in a slight daze. Sitting up, he stifled a yawn as he ran his fingers through his hair. He regarded me with a sleepy, lopsided smile when I reached out to set some messy strands of hair down.

"Sorry, Nee chan, it looks like I really fell asleep," he mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed.

"It's alright," I answered and caressed his cheek with the back of my fingers, my smile turning sad. "Tsunade sama wants us inside. I think they're done with discussions and have come to a conclusion."

His narrowing gaze had a slight uneasiness rise in me, as did his words, "So, they've decided what to do."

"You have to promise me that you wont do anything rash no matter what say," I said.

"How can I possibly keep quiet when they insult Nii san? The only reason they're alive is him but they have the gall to speak badly of him. I'm sure they have something rude to say even now," he hissed.

"I know that they're rude, and they're not as smart as us," I said to lighten the mood a bit, "but you have to stay calm because our behavior will decide what happens in the future."

Sasuke scowled but I took a hold of his hand and tugged him to stand along with me. Giving his hand a gentle shake, I added, "You promise, right? Please, for me."

"Alright, I'll try," he responded with a defeated sigh.

With a smile surfacing, I said, "Alright then, lets go."

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