Chapter 23 - Good Things

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Emiko pov:

Humming a slow tune, I worked in the kitchen. It was a pleasant evening, the kind that we had been blessed with often these days. After the very first mission Itachi had gone on and returned from, as well as a couple of missions after that which all three of us had gone on, we were more trusted by the villagers. They didn't give us displeased stares anymore when we walked through the streets. In fact, there were several who even brought us baked sweets as an apology for their behavior until now.

It was heartwarming and rewarding, our patience and persistence finally paying off.

While it was one thing to be accepted by the village, I was overjoyed when Mother and Father had visited us after many days. Having known of Itachi's truth much before the others had, they had embraced him while shedding tears, and had complimented him for being such a wonderful man. It had made me little emotional too, all while hoping that the doting and pampering that my parents showered him with would give him at least a little of what he had been stripped of all those years ago.

I was glad to hear from him that he had only felt warmed by their love and concern, and he wished that they could have stayed with us for longer than a day. Well, considering the fact that Mother and Father had to govern Fukushima, it was obvious that they could not stay for long. They had invited us to visit them though, and stay for at least a week to catch up on everything that we had missed.

The memory brought a smile upon my lips while I washed the dishes in the sink. I thought of Itachi, missing him, for he had been gone three days now on a mission. He would return late in the night and I wanted to stay up and wait for him like I usually did. However, I was more tired than usual, having worked overtime with some matters in the Hokage's office.

I did stay up until a little past 11 but decided to go to bed under the immense tugging of sleep in my eyes. Before I turned in though, I stepped to Sasuke's room, knocking once before I entered. He was already under the covers but he was reading his book while resting his head on one folded arm. When he heard me enter, he put the book down and sat up.

"Nee chan," he said, smiling and shifting to sit up.

"You don't have to get up. I just came to wish you good night," I said and he smiled a little wider. "Sleep well, Sasuke."

"You too, Nee chan," he wished. With another smile, I left his room and headed to mine.

Having entered my room and closed the door, I stepped to the balcony for a moment. The night air was cool and comforting and the sight of the many stars twinkling in the sky was a mesmerizing sight. It was often that I wondered if all this was a dream, more so because life was perfect. We had everything that we had ever wanted in our lives, with no worry of scrutiny or fear of getting caught while on the run.

This life was truly a blessing for us.

My smile widened as I thought of Itachi. I missed him so much even if he was gone for a day - it was sometimes funny how much I loved him. I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his arms all the time - my place of comfort and peace and everything good. Listening to his heartbeat was the best part.

Shaking my head at my romantic thoughts, I returned into my room and closed the balcony door. The bed was more than welcoming, and I wasted not a moment in getting under the blanket. It was not before getting into one of Itachi's shirts though - I often slept wearing them on nights when he was out on missions. His scent that lingered on his clothes made me feel like he was right next to me all the time.

"I love you, Itachi," I mumbled into the pillow while closing my eyes. It was less than thirty seconds that I was far asleep. 

Itachi pov:

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