Chapter 10 - Meeting

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Emiko pov:

Going through scroll after scroll and book after book over the past few days in the Hokage Building library had me stiff and tired. A intense stretch eased the stiffness in my muscles a bit and I proceeded to gently knead the muscles of my shoulders and arms to further relax them. With those of the village giving us a meager amount of their trust, I had also been given the responsibility of trying to figure out exact war plans of both Tobi and Kabuto.

Sasuke kept busy with helping rebuild the village, the buildings and such despite being initially reluctant. Though he didn't express it, he seemed rather happy to be with his friends again, realxed and without frustrating thoughts.

"Emiko san, Tsunade sama wishes to see you," I heard a voice and looked up from the books in front of me to Genma san. He had also brought along a stack of books I had asked for to go through but I guess that would have to be done later.

"Thank you, Genma san, I'll go to see Tsunade sama right now. You can leave the books on the table," I answered.

He regarded me with a smile as he placed the books on the table while I left the library. Upon reaching the Hokage's office, I knocked and entered when I was given permission to enter. Tsunade sama motioned for me to take a seat and I did so before Kakashi and a few other Jounin joined us in the office. With how things had lightened up around me and Sasuke, Kakashi and I were nearly back on good-friends terms and we exchanged smiles and chaste nods in greeting.

"I have called all of you here for a very important reason," Tsunade sama said when everyone had settled. "I had informed the Five Nations of Emiko's and Sasuke's return as well as the information they gave us on the Akatsuki and the upcming war. As such, the village Daimyous and Kages have decided to hold a meeting in three days. Of course, as we had decided before, Emiko and Sasuke will be attending the meeting as well, and Kakashi will be assigned to be their primary a way, keeping an eye on them."

"I understand, Tsunade sama," I agreed.

With a nod of approval, she went ahead with discussing the topics we would go over during the meeting. It was an hour later that she told me to find Sasuke and get ready to leave for the meeting. Considering the location and urgency of the meeting, we had to leave soon, so I excused myself and headed to the construction area to look for Sasuke.

I was quick to spot him carrying several wooden planks on his shoulder whilst scowling. He was helping Naruto while the latter nailed the planks to the framework of a building. Sasuke's expression had me chuckling to myself before I called out to him.


He looked relieved when he saw me and immediately dropped the planks to step to me. While Naruto waved to me enthusiastically, Sakura narrowed her eyes - she didn't seem to like me much. Well, the feeling was mutual to an extent because I didn't quite like the way she ogled at Sasuke. She liked him but it seemed superficial. Perhaps she was better than Karin but something about her just didn't seem entirely right for Sasuke despite her affection for him.

"Nee chan, they finally gave you a break," Sasuke said when he was close enough.

"I came to pick you up, actually, because we have to leave to meet with the Daimyous and Kages of all the nations. They're going to discuss and decide what to do with the information we gave them."

The mix of a pout and scowl on his face reminded me of the same expression he used to give as a child, though often seemed more pouty than now. It made me laugh softly.

"We didn't really have to do this, you know?" he mumbled.

"You should really stop complaining, Sasuke," I mused. "Anyway, we should get going now."

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