Chapter 12 - Beautiful Confessions

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Emiko pov:

"If we send in one member from the communication team to each group, we can set up a common headquarters where the messages can be passed on to everyone else," I said, pointing to a location on the map that I thought would be a good spot for the relat station.

"That seems like a good idea. I'll have members and equipment for it arranged," said a Jounin I was discussing with.

"Great. That's it for today. Let's have everyone gather tomorrow so we can finalize the remaining checklist."

With a nod, the others dispersed. Stepping to Sasuke with a smile then, I gave my body a much needed stretch. With the scheduled commencement of the war just two days away, there was so much work to do, much to prepare and strategize. Sasuke and I were responsible for helping in most of the planning, although, Sasuke was quite reluctant. He usually stared out the window during meetings, not really bothering to offer any ideas or inputs. Though I said nothing about it, I knew that he was always looking in the direction of the Uchiha Compound, perhaps reminiscing of the past and feeling bothered by how things had turned out now.

Sasuke and I had been given an apartment of our own to live in and many from the village had begun to trust us bit by bit. The aftermath of the life we had lived was not easy though and we had had to bear with much humiliation from those who still considered us as rogues at fault. While I was tolerant, ignoring the comments as much as I could, the same could not be said about Sasuke. He was quick to lose his temper and threaten those who spoke rudely to us and it often ended with me having to calm him down before he did something reckless. Despite having our chakras sealed, Sasuke had become powerful enough to break it off momentarily while tolerating the pain - I knew that if he got into a fight, it would be the end of the trust Tsunade sama had put in us.

But things were bearable because of the truth of the Uchiha Clan's massacre had been brought to light - well, part of the truth anyway. Everything was blamed on Danzo san, as him being the instigator of dealing with the Uchiha when they had begun to think of a rebellion as well as for his selfish reasons of wanting power. It had become well known after the fight in the Summit Meeting that he had collected several Sharingan eyes and implanted them into his right eye and right arm - as such, many had considered him a traitor and cheater, having blinded everyone so easily and misused the Root ANBU for his personal gain.

Though there was far more to the truth, it could not be spoken. Tsunade sama did not wish for the trust and reputation of Konoha to be tarnished because of the elders' and Sandaime sama's decision. It was a little unfair but Sasuke and I let it go because Itachi's name had been cleared of any tarnishing.

Sasuke and I had settled into a routine now, close enough to that of normal shinobi. After breakfast, we would often help with strategizing, train, help with construction, or wander in quiet places in the village. Sasuke had relaxed a lot, nowadays giving me barely visible but immensely warm smiles. He remained quiet and reserved in the company of all others though - all others besides Naruto.

There were often moments when I would feel forlorn for many reasons but seeing Sasuke and the picture of our once happy family that I had brought back from the Uchiha Compound gave me the strength to pull through every day. Seeing Itachi's smiling face too filled me with confidence and determination, reminding me of the promise I had made to him. I knew I had to be strong so I could be the support Sasuke needed in this time of vulnerability. I did not wish to see him fall apart on the inside ever again - I was afraid that if he was any more emotionally scarred, I would lose him.

"It feels good to finally be doing something worthwhile, doesn't it, Sasuke?" I spoke, breaking out of my thoughts and looking towards the Uchiha Compound in nostalgia.

Love can spark Miracles - Uchiha Itachi Fanfic [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now