17 - Together Again

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Itachi pov:

Having released the Edo Tensei, I stepped to Sasuke despite my fading consciousness so I could show him the entire truth of what had happened to the Uchiha Clan. This was the final end so there was no need for me to hide anything from him anymore. As my little brother and an Uchiha, he deserved to know the truth.

When I was just in front of him, I let our foreheads meet and said, "You don't ever have to forgive me. No matter what you do from here on out, I will always love you and Emiko."

"Sasuke does forgive you, Itachi, and we both love you very much too," Emiko said. Her words roused warmth in me, one that had always come to me when I was with her.

Immense guilt pricked at me too for what I was putting Emiko through again. Though she had spoken reassuring words that she would be fine, I knew better. I loved her so much and I felt terrible for all that I had put her through in the past and what I was putting her through now. It was even worse because she never said anything about it or anything against me.

Just as the Edo Tensei was in its final phase, my consciousness nearly blank, Emiko rushed to me to embrace me tightly. There were tears falling from her eyes and it made my heart ache. I held her back, relishing the feel of her delicate form pressed up against me for the final moments of my life. I closed my eyes too, feeling so complete - I was glad that I was with the two people I loved most in the world as I left.

However, I felt a sudden spike in Emiko's chakra, perhaps out of desperation, followed by an explosion of chakra from the heart pendant of the necklace she wore around her neck - the one I had given her before my fight against Sasuke. A blinding light enveloped us, causing me to shut my eyes tighter. I felt like I was being crushed and stretched all at once and then felt an excruciating burning sensation, as if I had been set ablaze. I did not know that the Edo Tensei's release would be this painful.

My consciousness that had been fading seemed to return though, and the warmth of Emiko as she held me felt more and more obvious with the moments that passed. I felt an odd sense of separation, as if something was ripped away from me before I heard the sound of a body falling. The blinding light had died down and I opened my eyes only for them to widen as realization hit me - I was still here holding Emiko. And I felt alive.

I raised one hand to look over my pale skin that was no longer cracked as it was in the Edo Tensei. I could see through both eyes, and my eyesight was perfect even without the Sharingan being activated. I could feel blood and life pulsing in my veins, with not even the slightest hint of the illness that had plagued me for several years. My heartbeat was loud and clear in my ears and the feel of Emiko's heart beating strongly against my chest made my heart beat pick up speed.

It was only a moment later that Emiko seemed to noticed the oddity of the situation too. She released me partially to look up at me with both curiosity and surprise.

"Itachi?" she whispered. The softness of her voice made a shiver run down my spine.

"Emiko," I responded, my voice airy.

Gasping, Emiko stepped away from me. I glanced at Sasuke to notice that he appeared more than baffled as he stared at me. Looking back to Emiko, my heart skipped a beat at the feel of her raging chakra that was so full of life...that felt just like mine.

"Itachi, what's going on? How are you still here? And you look...alive," she said softly, tentatively.

I looked over my hands again to confirm if the fact that I was truly alive now was real. I was alive. I was in my prime, strong and healthy and alive. Exhaling deeply, I gazed at the white crystal that rested on Emiko's chest.

Love can spark Miracles - Uchiha Itachi Fanfic [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now