Chapter 6 - Hope

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Emiko pov:

It was another uneventful day for us, though we sat in a room in the inn of a small village we had stopped in. While I sat gazing out of the window, Sasuke sat a little away from me whilst leaning back on his chair and gazing rather blankly at the ceiling above. He had been lost in thought since we left the hideout, since our conversation, and we spoke only when really necessary.

Our stay at the inn had been extended thanks to Suigetsu who had left the day we checked in - that was three days ago. He was yet to return from his solo excursion to retrieve his neck cleaver. The rest of us were beginning to get a little impatient, wanting to leave from here and get on with our journey even though we weren't sure of where we were actually headed.

"Where did Suigetsu go?" Sasuke asked, looking at Karin who was busy fiddling with something in her hands.

"I don't know," she answered with a shrug. "He didn't say where he's going or when he'll be back, though I'll be happy if he doesn't return."

"I can hear you!" Suigetsu's voice came from the other side of the door. I had not sensed him since I wasn't guarded.

He kicked open the door and was grinning as he held his neck cleaver over his shoulder. He looked very happy to have it back and it brought a small smile of amuse to my lips.

"You actually brought back the neck cleaver?" Karin asked flatly.

"Well, you guys left it behind so I had to go and get it back," he answered as he stepped into the room. he and Karin began to bicker then - while Karin yelled at him for making us wait for him because of a stupid sword, Suigetsu retorted that it was a handy weapon that he deserved. I shook my head at them - it seemed that they would never change.

"Stop fighting, you two," I said, putting a stop to their bickering. "As much as waiting for three days was a bit troublesome, it is good that Suigetsu retrieved his neck cleaver - he fights well with it."

"See? Emi san understands! You're such a loser, Karin," Suigetsu muttered, only to have his face punched and turned into water.

They settled when Sasuke stood and said, "Now that everyone's back, we'll head out. We're going to Konoha."

His words made me clench my jaw. It seemed that he had made his decision, and I had failed to stop him from going ahead with his self-given mission to destroy Konoha. My words had been empty pleas.

Just as we were about to leave, Zetsu morphed into our room through the wall bringing us news if being followed, or rather, perused. Some Konoha shinobi including the Kyuubi Jinchuriki were on our trail, and the mention of the latter elicited a curious reaction in Sasuke as it had when Madara had spoken of him. I was yet to ask him about it though.

We followed Sasuke out of the inn and began our journey to Konoha. About half a day later, Madara met up with us to inform us about Leader sama's failure to destroy Konoha. He had been defeated by Naruto, the same person who had been mentioned far too many times until now. Sure, I had met him once while on a mission with Itachi more than three years ago but I was immensely curious of what he was to Sasuke, all the more because of the reaction the latter had each time he was mentioned.

What more, Madara had said that there was a possibility that Naruto was stronger than Sasuke but Sasuke didn't seem to think much of it. Sasuke only said that it was his wish to destroy Konoha no matter what.

The commotion we had caused in the Cloud Village with Bee san had led to a summit being held in the Land of Snow by the Kages of all villages. Surely they would brand us even more as rogues that needed to be put down before we stirred more trouble. If they joined hands, all villages getting together to fight against us, surely it would be dangerous for us. We were strong but fighting against the villages in alliance would be impossible.

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