Chapter 9 - Nostalgia

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Emiko pov:

It took me two days to recover in the hospital after I had fainted from having my memories replayed like they had all happened only yesterday. Perhaps that wasn't the only reason why I had needed rest but also because I had used the immediate healing jutsu on Sasuke only a day before our arrival in Konoha. I could barely walk but managed to regain strenght in my body soon enough.

Sasuke remained by my side the entire time. His care and concern for me reminded me much of Itachi, and these two days had probably been the most peaceful days of my life since the massacre. We were at ease, no longer running and hiding with the fear of being caught.

Kakashi and Gai alternated with Iruka san and another Jounin in keeping an eye on us. Their silent company was pleasant even though I'm sure the feeling wasn't reciprocated. Although, it seemed to me that Kakashi and Gai didn't dislike their job of keeping an eye on us unlike Iruka san and the other Jounin. Perhaps they believed me or were better at hiding their true emotions - either way, being under their watch wasn't in any way uncomfortable.

A soft sigh left my lips as I now gazed out of the window. I looked over the buildings of the village and the faces of the Hokages carved out on the cliff in the distance. The breeze that came in was soothing and so was the comfortable silence we were enveloped in. Sasuke was sitting a little away from the bed with his eyes closed and his arms crossed as he rested.

We returned to the present when the door of the room was opened and Tsunade sama stepped inside. I regarded her with a smile and a respectful bow, and spotted Naruto and Sakura enter behind her. Sasuke scowled but said nothing as the three of them approached us.

"How do you feel, Emiko?" questioned Tsunade sama. She didn't sound genuinely worried about my well being but was being courteous.

"I am much better, Tsunade sama," I answered evenly.

"Good. I'm here to tell you of our decision. After speaking with the elders and several others, we have decided to allow you to remain in Konoha for now. You are free to live here while with your chakras sealed. We will arrange for a house for you to stay in while under strict surveillance."

"We understand, Tsunade sama," I agreed.

"You can go for a walk through the village now if you wish. Naruto and Sakura will accompany you and have you return here in the evening."

I gave her a nod and Tsunade sama left with Kakashi and Gai following. Naruto and Sakura remained though both if them were silent. Naturo was watching Sasuke rather uneasily and Sakura had her eyes fixated on the floor, her expression sad. It was odd, and had me wondering what had happened after I had passed out.

"Sasuke, lets go," Naruto said before turning around to leave with Sakura.

I got off the bed and ushered Sasuke to head out with me. He did so silently and we left the hospital. The people we passed gazed at us with scrutiny, mostly suspicious and hateful glares. Many even whispered amongst themselves as they glared. It didn't bother me though fir they were reactiins I had expected. Sasuke didn't seem to like it though and seemed rather uncomfortable. To ease his frustration, I held his hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze. He met my eyes and smiled with a nod.

As we walked, Naruto asked, "Sasuke teme, what took you so long to return?"

Sasuke did not answer, in fact didn't seem like he wanted to answer. I gave him a nudge and said, "You should answer him, you know."

Naruto and Sakura glanced at me a moment. Sakura seemed uncomfortable as she spoke, "Sasuke kun, I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

Sasuke merely scoffed under his breath which caused Sakura to tear up. Naruto, in turn, got flustered by that and began to tell at Sasuke for being a jerk. Surprisingly, Sasuke began to argue back, seeming rather comfortable with the bickering. I felt a little out of place amongst them.

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