Chapter 19 - Infinite Tsukuyomi

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Emiko pov:

Upon receiving instructions from Shukaku san from the communication headquarters, we began a series of onslaughts against the Jyuubi befire we could deal with Madara and Tobi. However, our attempt to immobilize and seal it were in vain, for it was too powerful and only maturing as time passed. Even the combination of Naruto's Rasen-Shuriken and my Electric Death Dragon jutsu did not do any damage to it. It was quick to free itself and begin an onslaught of its own.

“How pitiful,” Madara mused as he watched us from where he and Obito stood.

I cursed under my breath at that, narrowing my eyes at them. It was obvious that the Jyuubi was not one easy to deal with but we had hoped that our combination attack would have left the slightest damage at least. We were blasted away moments later by dark, condensed chakra that the Jyuubi launched at us, many of which even destroyed places several kilometers away. One of the attacks
Was sent at the communication headquarters, destroying our and killing the people there in order to handicap us. It brought tears to those who had lost their family and badge my eyes prickle too, for I was good friends with several too.

"Emiko, are you alright?" Itachi asked, landing next to me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

With a deep breath, I wiped away a few tears that had gathered in my eyes. "I'm fine. I'm uninjured but saddened for those who were killed. They were my friends...and I won't forgive those two b******* for everything they are doing."

"Emiko, you have to calm down," Itachi said gently. "I know you're upset but you can't let your emotions get the better of you in this fight. We will do everything we can to defeat them, but you have to keep your emotions from the losses aside for now."

I met his Sharingan gaze - he, too, looked anguished. This was surely harder on him than anyone else, for he had witnessed far too much bloodshed and losses than anyone else, had been ridden with immense guilt of it too. But he was being strong for the sake of those who were still alive, who needed to be protected. It had me calming down and keeping my rationality. I relaxed my tense posture in the slightest.

"I know, thank you for helping me calm down, Itachi," I said.

Cupping my cheek gently and caressing it with a thumb for the briefest moment, he let go and we looked back to the Jyuubi even more determined than before to finish this fight soon, before more people lost their lives and suffered heartache.

Battling the Jyuubi took a toll of several people though, as it continued to blast out chakra attacks and shoot spears from its body. I suffered some scrapes too, all of which I was quick to heal and return to fighting with full gusto. All ofnour efforts were in vain though, for the Jyuubi was too powerful, but only until Obito absorbed it to become a Jinchurki.

Things took a turn then - Obito had become very powerful and was more difficult to deal with. He easily blocked each and every one of our attacks and retaliated with even more power attacks. However, it seemed that he did not have the necessary chakra or strength to control the Jyuubi properly, and he began to blow up like a balloon under the immense chakra. It was a chance that we used to stop him well enough, though Naruto was the one who did most of the work and released all of the nine bijuu that had been sealed within the Gedo Statue he had absorbed.

It seemed that Naruto had also influenced a change in heart in Obito, the latter having lost the interest and will to continue fighting. But it had not changed much in the sense that Madara still had to be dealt with. Having summoned Black Zetsu to take control trol over Obito who was now lying on the ground exhausted, he used the Rinne-Tensei Rebirth jutsu to break his reanimation and truly come to life.

[A/n: I'm skipping the part where the four Hokage are revived and aid in the battle because Sasuke is not with Team Taka anymore.]

It was now time for us to depend on Naruto, to be his support while he took charge on the battlefield. He was pur trump card, the only one who had enough chakra and strength to win the war.

Love can spark Miracles - Uchiha Itachi Fanfic [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now