Chapter 20 - New Beginnings

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Emiko pov:

"Emiko san, we need help over here!" came a voice that had me rushing over to heal injured shinobi. 

"We're glad we have an extra medic to help. It seems that there aren't enough despite all the effort," said a shinobi next to me.

"Well, the war was a grand one and this scale of damage isn't anything to be surprised about," I said, closing up a wound of the woman in front of me.

With Madara and Kaguya being defeated - information on the latter having been briefed to me by Itachi while we proceeded with wrapping things up - there was a lot of work to be done in the matter of cleaning and settling connections between the different villages. A lot had happened in the two day war, rendering exhaustion and relief over most, but immense joy that the bloodshed had ended.

Many had been injured and needed to be healed while others were busy with reporting and sending out help to the villages that had been damaged by the blasts of the Jyuubi when it had gone rampant. Food and other supplies had to be distributed around too, and there was surely a lot of other work to be taken care of, especially by the Kage.

Having finished several hours of healing and helping, I took a break to join Itachi who was standing a little away from the others and merely observing everything that was happening around him. While he was not being shunned or scrutinized, he wasn't entirity accepted either it seemed. Most were wary of him, cautious and guarded, and assisted him uneasy glances every now and then.

"Itachi," I said when I was next to him.

Meeting my gaze with tenderness, he said, "Emiko, are you done healing everyone?"

"For the most part. The other medical ninja are tending to the remaining injured," I answered. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine," he reassured, smiling in understanding of my concern. "It's expected that everyone is wary of me. Their hesitance does not bother me."

Lies, I thought. I knew better than anyone that Itachi wished to be accepted again, to be spared from more suffering than all that he had gone through. He was far too kind though, and selfless, and wouldn't show his disappointment no matter what.

Holding his hand in mine, I have it a squeeze. It was barely noticeable that he clenched his jaw under my anguished gaze but sighed and brought me into an embrace.

"You see through me so easily, Emiko," he said. "But, really, I'm fine. I know it's not easy for the world to accept me as an ally instead of a traitor, especially after everything I have done."

"I know, but I still feel sad seeing you like this," I mumbled into his chest.

We parted after a few moments and I cupped his face to caress the bags under his eyes. He had used his Sharingan quite a bit in the war and there was noticeable strain in them. He showed me to heal his eyes, closing them under my touch. He was quick to feel better and smiled gently when he met my gaze again.

"Nii san, Nee chan." Sasuke's voice had us looking to him as he approached us. I let go of Itachi and regarded him with a smile that he returned. "It's almost time to head back to Konoha."

"I see. So, everything here has been taken care of then?"

"Most of it. A few shinobi are going to stay back to finish with the remaining cleanup," he answered.

"When do we leave?" Itachi asked.

"In ten minutes, Nii san."

"Let's join the others then," I suggested.

With a nod, we joined up with the team of shinobi who were ready to go home. Though the air was dirty of awkward, several of the shinobhi spoke to me and Sasuke normally enough while occasionally sparing Itachi hesitant and awkward glances. Sasuke and I indulged in the light conversations, me more than Sasuke though, while Itachi remained silent. He appeared calm and content, despite the lingering forlorn in his eyes in recollection of many memories. They could not be forgotten no matter how long had passed or how different our future would be.

Love can spark Miracles - Uchiha Itachi Fanfic [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now