Chapter 3 - Hachibi Jinchuriki

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Emiko pov:

It seemed that Sasuke knew the location of where the Hachibi Jinchuriki was training, and we had kept on course to the Valley of Clouds and Lightning. It was not long before a temple of sorts came into view, and there was a rather powerful chakra I could sense at the very top of the stairs where the temple was.

My eyes narrowed not just at the powerful chakra but also at the fact that we were risking our lives for someone like Madara whose intentions were nothing short of selfish. I did not want to help him anymore than what Itachi and I already had, and I was somehow hoping that our fight against this Jinchuriki would end with us having to escape to save our lives.

We came to a stop in the middle of barren lands at the base of the steps and it was not long after that we spotted a man descending the steps. He appeared middle aged and was dressed oddly with several blades strapped onto his back. He was in a cheery mood, it seemed, rapping a tune. He jumped down the last flight of stairs in a show off manner and landed a few feet from us.

"Are you the Hachibi Jinchuriki?" Sasuke questioned. I glanced at him a moment wondering why he bothered asking that when this man's appearance matched the description the shinobi from before had given us, as well as the fact that his chakra was much higher than that of a normal shinobi's.

"Yo, I am Hachibi sama, you hear? I am Jinchuriki sama, you know?” he answered, still rapping.

Everything that Sasuke said to him was responded with rapping and it made me sigh in mild annoyance. I'm sure it was annoying to Sasuke as well, all the more because he wasn't in a great mood to begin with. Sasuke was soon done listening to his rapping and instructed Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo to surround him.

"Nee chan, you should go to someplace safe while we take care of the Jinchuriki,” he said, glancing down at me.

I raised a brow at his suggestion. “Sasuke, don’t think you can send me off to safety while you fight. You don’t know what you’re up against. You're going to need all the help you can get.”

"I lost everyone I loved and cared about, and I can't forgive myself if something happens to you too, Nee chan. I'm sure we can take care of this,” he insisted.

"I can't lose you either," I said in return. "I'm not going to let you fight him alone. I'm strong and I can take care of myself, so let me help you."

Seeing that I wasn't going to back down, he sighed in mild frustration before looking back to the Jinchuriki. Smiling in amuse, I looked to the Jinchuriki too, ready to fight.

Suigetsu was the first to charge at the Jinchuriki. He unsheathed his neck cleaver and brought it down on the Jinchuriki. Suigetsu's attack was powerful and raised a huge cloud of dust because of the impact.

“Suigetsu, we were told not to kill the Jinchuriki,” Jugo reminded, eyeing the cloud of dust in mild uneasiness.

“An attack like that can't take down a Jinchuriki. He’s alive, don’t worry,” I said in response.

As I had said, the Jinchuriki was more than fine - when the dust settled, we saw him blocking Suigetsu's blade with his bare hands. With an insult, he pushed Suigetsu back and unarmed him, the neck cleaver landing over his shoulders with his head through the hole at the end, and he danced with it rotating around his neck. With a curse under his breath, Suigetsu retreated and Jugo lunged at him next.

Because of Suigetsu's blade, Jugo could not get close enough to land a hit. I decided to intervene and did the hand signs for a Suiton jutsu.

"Suiton: Suijin no Jutsu!" I said and sent a barrage of water blades at the Jinchuriki. He stopped playing around with Suigetsu's blade at that and used it to block my attacks instead.

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