Chapter 14 - Itachi

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Dedicated to Kawaii_Sally! Happy reading!


Emiko pov:

My heart pounded loudly in my ears as we ran in the direction in which we could sense Itachi's chakra. It was almost as if he was right next to me, and I noticed nothing and no one around us besides him. Not even a possible deadly fight mere meters from us would be noticeable to me in my current situation.

I suppressed a shudder as Sasuke and I continued to rushe through the forest, jumping from branch to branch of the trees. We were rinning at an incredible speed, perhaps the fastest we had ever run in our lives, and Itachi's chakra was getting closer with every jump we made. Despite how overwhelmed I was by the thought of seeing Itachi again, I still glanced at our surroundings to make sure that we weren't being followed by an enemy. We would be at a disadvantage since we had no backup if a fight did break out, all the more since Tobi was sure to be furious of our betrayal and was sure to have sent people to specifically deal with us. We qould have to face him sooner or later but I wished to think of nothing besides Itachi at the moment.

Upon looking ahead, a felt a jolt rock my body at the sight of none other than Itachi running towards us. He passed us in a flash and my eyes were quick to follow him - he wore a red, hooded cloak and his long hair fluttered behind him as he ran. He was an Edo Tensei reanimation.

Sasuke and I were quick to skid to a halt, turn and follow him before he slipped away from us.

"Itachi!” I called to him, my eyes prickling sharply in anticipation and desperation.

I yearned to hear his voice, to hear him call my name, to feel the gentle touch of his fingers, to feel his embrace, but I felt nearly shattered when he only continued to run without sparing us even a glance. He had surely heard me call to him and sensed our chakras but he hadn't stalled a moment. For a moment, I wondered if he was ignoring us or if he was being controlled by Kabuto who had used the reanimation technique.

“Wait!” Sasuke yelled from beside me. “Is that you, Itachi?”

Itachi didn't answer and it sparked anger in Sasuke. Gritting his teeth a moment, he called out to Itachi again, "I said wait, dammit!”

Activating his Mangekyou and Susanoo, Sasuke tackled Itachi only for his attack to be deflected by Itachi's Susanoo.

"Wait, Itachi, please!" I called to him again. My heart skipped a beat when he turned his head to look at us, but I also felt a queasy knot rise in the pit of my stomach from the sharpness in his eyes. It was not a look he had ever sent to me before and had me feeling uncomfortable.

“I’m surprised that you have been able to master the Susanoo as well,” Itachi spoke, his voice the same velvety baritone I remembered it to be. "I can't stop now. There’s something I have to do.”

The way he spoke made it clear to us that he wasn't under Kabuto's control.

"What do you have to do? Please stop and tell us so we can help!" I hollered as we continued to chase after him.

Where we were going right now was of no concern to me, nor was the fact that we were in the midst of a war. Even if it was for just a moment, I wished for all of us to stop so I could fall into Itachi's arms and feel the warmth of his embrace that I thought I would never feel again. Of course, since he was an Edo Tensei reanimation, this was probably just a lucky chance to see him and be with him for a few moments again. But something was better than nothing - I wished that I could properly say goodbye to him, relish his love for me one last time.

“I don’t care about what you have to do! You’re here in front of me and I have many questions to ask you!” Sasuke hollered, anger lacing his voice.

Love can spark Miracles - Uchiha Itachi Fanfic [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now