Chapter 2

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I wake up in the morning and remember last night

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I wake up in the morning and remember last night. My head throbs in pain and I begin to feel sick, I instantly regret drinking so much last night. I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet, acid burning the walls of my throat. I lean against the tub. "Ugh... Why did I drink so much last night?" I ask in a groggy tone, my eyes then widen. "Jimin." I say. The thought of him makes my heart pound, how attractive and kind he is. "And feel free to stop by tomorrow night, I'd be happy to see you again." His voice echoes in my head.

I bite my lip as if he were actually here talking to me, just then my phone rings. I run to my room where it's charging and look at the caller ID, MAT. I can't help but pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer him. I hear rustling on the other side. "Yo." Is all he replies. "Is there a specific reason as to why you're calling me?" I ask, a bit annoyed. It's quiet for a while. "Dude, Izzy... I got so fucked up last night." He says in a deep voice, indicating that he just woke up. I remember when we used to date and his morning voice would make my panties get so wet, and now I feel nothing. Just the throbbing pain in my skull and my throat burning.

"You can say that again and hey, where the hell did you go last night? You left me.. By myself! You were my ride home!" I hear him wince. "Can you not yell? My head hurts, I have a major hangover." I roll my eyes. "You didn't answer me." I say, he lets out a breath on the other side of the line. "Izzy, you're my friend and I'm comfortable telling you that I had sex last night. That's why I left you at the club by yourself." He says.

I roll my eyes since I already knew that, but then again, I'm the one who asked. "Nah Mat, I thought you were down the street baking cookies with the elderly people who don't have teeth." I say sarcastically, I hear him laugh. I ain't even funny, he must really be fucked up if he was just laughing at what I said. "Maybe I should've been." He whispers in response. I then get real quiet and shift my hip out of seriousness. "One night stand or you want a relationship?" I ask.

It's quiet for a bit longer. "Mat if you say one night stand, I'll snip your balls off." I hear him let out another breath. "What Mat, you need a fucken inhaler? Loosing your breath over there? Why can't you just answer me?" I say in a high voice, I'm annoyed. "You're my friend, not my girlfriend, okay?" Ouch. I bite my lip trying not to shout at him because my head is beginning to throb again. I know damn well that I'm not his girlfriend, the fact that he left me at the club without telling me is totally fucked. I would've liked to know so I wouldn't have been looking for him like a fucking idiot.

"And so what if it was a one night stand? You have no say in my life." He says charging back at me, taking me out of my thoughts of what I wish I could say to him. "I know I don't have a say in your life, but you're not that kind of guy." I say calmly trying to make the conversation peaceful again. I hear him let out a rude laugh, and I know that this conversation isn't going to end on good terms or in a lower tone.. it's only going up from here. So I prepare myself to get yelled at by Mat.

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