Chapter 7

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•Day of Wedding•

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•Day of Wedding•

It's the day of the wedding and I don't have a dress to wear. So, I decide to go to the mall and buy a new one. Something formal, right? A really cute but sexy one, and I don't really know what to wear to a wedding cause I've never been to a wedding before but I'll figure it out. I walk into this huge plaza and head for Forever 21, just to get an idea of what I can possibly wear for cheap.

"Dear God, what- is- this?" I ask myself as I look at most of the clothes on the racks. I don't think this store is for me, I'm not 21 anyways so this is out of my range of clothes. I tell myself as I leave the store and head to a more mature clothing department, preferably one that says "Formal Dresses" on the front in pretty cursive. "Ah! This is more like it!" I say walking over to the rack with a dress that's in my favorite color, burgundy. "Izzy?" I hear a man call me from the outside of the store.

I turn towards to voice to see the one and only Mat, he's standing outside of the store with several bags in his hand. He honestly looks like a spoiled white rich girl with all those bags, no shade to rich white people though. He's been shopping around that's for sure. I stare at him for a while as he walks up to me, entering the store with confident strides as if trying to impress not only me but the other women in the store. I hold onto the dress I'm looking at and wait for him to make it up to me and say something. I'm still sort of shocked to see him here.

"Aren't you going to say hi? I haven't seen you in a few weeks, you've been M.I.A. What's up with that? Is it cause of those things I said? If that's the reason I'm so sorry Izzy, I can be a real ass and you know that you're my friend. I never meant to push you away like that and.." His words slowly become a blur to me, why? Why is it that I can't talk to him. He pulls me into a quick hug then pulls away and looks at me. "Izzy, you okay?" He asks. I take a step away from him. "I'm just fine." Is all I say before I go back to another rack leaving him alone, still holding the dress I'm interested in.

His eyebrows knit in confusion and he walks up to me. "Can you tell me what's going on? I really want to know." He says raising his voice a bit, getting some women's attention. Well he's not going to impress anyone if he's talking to me like that. He grabs my arm tightly. "Izzy." His voice highers, I pull away. "You should be happy I'm out of your hair like a little lice, isn't that what you've wanted since we broke up? For me to leave you alone so you can enjoy your single life?" I tell him. He frowns and shakes his head. "I've never thought that." He says, I look into his blue green eyes.

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