Chapter 12

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I push him away and wipe my lips furiously

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I push him away and wipe my lips furiously. "Ugh! How dare you!? I tell you that I have a boyfriend, and you go ahead and kiss me!?" I somehow get myself out of his grip and smack him as hard as I can across the face, people finally look up at us. Even the security guards are paying attention now. "Fuck you Mat, don't you ever do that to me again. Don't talk to me, don't contact me and don't come looking for me." I growl at him. "Ma'am, is this man bothering you?" One of the security guards makes it up to me.

"Yes, please escort him out of the building." I start walking away from him and heading back to the break room to salvage the last of the time I have left of my lunch. Gena is still there at the table and she's already done with her food but she's drinking a tea. She sees me and sits up straight, "What'd he say?" She asks. I let out a breath, just to show her how distressed and tired I am. "It wasn't Jimin, it was my ex." She gasps. "Mat? What did he want?" I sit at the table and grab my lunch that was in the same spot I left it. "Me." I tell her. "What? You? He wanted you back?" I nod. "But you're in a relationship, and you love Jimin don't you?"

I find myself smiling, "Yes." She smiles back. "You're going to tell him that, right?", "Yes, of course." She sips her tea, "That's nice, I'm happy you finally found someone. You were single for too long." I let out a breath and start to eat my food. "Yes, I know.. I'm so lucky to have Jimin, he would understand the issue that happened today. Well.. at least I hope when I tell him what happened with Mat, he'd understand.. won't he?", "From what I've heard about Jimin, he seems like the understanding type." I stuff my mouth with food. "So, have you caught up on that drama I told you about?" She asks making me hum really loud. "MMMMMM! Yees!"

Then we go off about the drama up until our break is over and we go back to making money. It really keeps my mind off of what I have to talk Jimin today, I'm able to calm down

•After Work •

I look at myself in the mirror, it's nothing fancy or too casual. Would he like it? I ask myself, my outfit is for sure going to catch his attention. My signature black wedges and my navy blue tight dress with my leather jacket. My hair up in a elegant bun that I wore for work but I just made it a little more loose, pulling hair out form in front of my ears and I have my matte lipstick on. I make sure that I smell like I just walked through the perfume aisle at the mall. I smile in the mirror making sure that when I brushed them, nothing got left behind and I don't have lipstick on them.

"You can do this Isaeli, just tell him you love him and everything will be okay." I nod and I feel nervousness fill the pit of my stomach. "Let's go, it's okay." And I walk back into the living room, grabbing my car keys before I head out to Jimin's club. It doesn't take a long time until I arrive at the strip with various night clubs.. it's fairly early and there are already drunk people on the sidewalks, I take a deep breath. Trying to steady my heart, trying to calm my blood flow as it's quick. I'm determined to tell him that I love him, and also what happened in the lobby at work. I don't intend to let this relationship be full of secrets, I want this relationship to be healthy. My intention is for this relationship to be dealt with like adults and resolved in a calm manner.

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