Chapter 4

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I gasp as I cover my mouth with my hand, not wanting him to hear me for some reason. "Jimin.." I whisper. He smiles at me and hums, "Mmhmm." "Oh Jimin, It's so huge!!" I scream. He chuckles. "I know it is." He says, I look at him. My face pink and a huge smile on my face as I slowly drop my hand, to only have him intertwine our fingers together. I want to scream at the top of my lungs. I've never seen something like this, it makes it hard for me to stay still. "Do you like it?" He whispers in my ear and I nod quickly, my voice caught in my throat.

"It's beautiful." I say looking at my surroundings with a smile, finally able to say something. We're at a broken down greenhouse. The plants are huge and some of them have broken out of the holes in the glass ceiling draping nicely over the sides of the green house making it look forest like. They look nicely trimmed though, like someone treats them well. "What do you think?" He asks. I smile.

"I love it Jimin." I say. He smiles. "I'm glad you do." He says as he leads me towards it, still holding my hand. "Let me show you around." He says as he holds on tighter to my hand and leads me deeper into the green house, where the surrounding only got better. There were all different kinds of flowers, some that I didn't even know existed. I was much too distracted with my surroundings to realize that he had brought me to a candlelit picnic. He sits down and so do I, my breath is seriously taken away at this moment. There's a little cute box of matches next to the candles and he lights them. "You did this for me?" I ask. He smiles as he finished lighting the candles.

"Actually, this is the first time I'm seeing this... Huh.. Who ever left this here must really like you." He says looking around acting as if he'd honestly never seen this picnic here. I chuckle. "Really." I chuckle. He blushes. "I wanted it to be special, I haven't done this in a while. So I apologize if I'm bad at this stuff." He says rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. I tilt my head to the side. "No, it's okay. I haven't done this in a long time too." I confess.

His eyebrows go up. "You serious? That's a surprise to me." He says. I bite my lip. "Yes, I'm serious and why is that a surprise to you?" I ask. I then see him blush again. "I don't know, you're very pretty that's all." He says. "I don't think there's a single man who wouldn't fall to his knees for you." His confession makes my stomach twist and turn. "I can say the same about you Jimin." I say honestly, his eyebrows knit together.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long has it been since you've been on a date?" He asks, I bite my lip trying to think of the exact number. "A year or two, since.. Mat to be honest. Also because of work, it takes up a lot of my time during the week. You?" He runs his fingers through his hair and looks away from me. "Three..." He says his voice trailing off to the extent that I no longer hear him, so now I'm playing a guessing game trying to figure out what 'three' is.

I look at him confused. "Three months, days, weeks..." He finally looks at me. "Years." He says. I'm shocked. How can a guy like Jimin, be single for so long? Unless it's because he was in a long relationship, as I was. I look down at my unpainted nails. "Oh, I'm so..", "It's okay.. Really." He interrupts me. There's a lot of skeletons in the closet, my gosh. I wish I could know who that bitch was who broke Jimin's heart. I can tell that Jimin is still worked up about the whole thing that happened after he was with that person. He just grins and he starts to eat the food, I stare at him until I tell myself that I shouldn't be so nosey.

I can already read a lot off of Jimin, he cares a lot about what people think. He doesn't want to look weak in front of me, but he seems to already be comfortable with me to show it a little bit. He doesn't like the way that blast from the past left him, he possibly was never like this. Maybe he was never this insecure. He's sweet, funny and drop your panties sexy. I just hope that the end of this date goes well.

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