Chapter 19

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I panic to the sight of her on a stretcher

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I panic to the sight of her on a stretcher. "Izzy!?" I run towards the ambulance, but I feel a hand pull my bicep that stops me from seeing her before she's pushed into the ambulance. I turn, my tears running down my cheeks. "What the FUCK do you want GI!? Haven't you done enough!? Because of you I didn't pick up her call, and I didnt even hear the car crash! Was this your plan!?" I yank my arm out of her grasp. Her eyes widen and she looks startled. "Stay the fuck out of my life. Don't you ever come near me ever again!" I scream and run toward my car and follow the ambulance.

I can't think straight, what if she doesn't survive? What if I'll never see her again? No, I can't think this way. She'll be fine, she'll be good. My tears blinding are me a bit, which is really bad because that's a driving hazard. The ambulance cars make their way over to Busan's St. Mary's hospital.

I pull into the parking lot and run out towards the hospital, I basically slide along the floor when I stop abruptly. I catch a lot of people's attention. I see them pushing her and into the emergency doors. "Izzy!!" I run faster even though my legs are aching. "Sir! Please stand back, you won't be allowed in the emergency room." One of the doctors sets his hand on my chest for me to stay back. I'm completely heartbroken at the sight of the woman I love, her beautiful face scratched up.. And what looks like her bone popping out of her arm, another stretcher passes me and it's Mat.

"You FUCKER!!!" I pull on his arm. His eyes are bloodshot and he just looks at me, he knows what he's done. "Sir!! Stand back!" Another doctor pushes me away and they disappear down the hall. I fall to my knees. My hands gripping my hair, my teeth close tightly together and my tears run down my cheeks like heavy rain fall. I pound my fists against the floor of the hospital, the cold hard ground.


"Jimin!!" She screamed as I throw her over my shoulder. "Jiiiimin!!" She screamed again. I ran into the water and set her down. She couldn't stop smacking my chest. "Ji-min!" She laughed. A wave comes and she screams. She jumps on me and wraps her arms and legs around my body, but the wave still smacks her pretty hard which makes me crack up laughing. "Jimin, I have sand in my ass now." She whines. I laugh even harder because now she has sand in a really uncomfortable place.

"If I could I'd turn you into a rock and I'd throw you in the water right now." She tells me. She gets off of me and tries to push me in the water, but I stand very still. "Ji-MIN!" She cries. I start laughing again. When a wave comes behind me she runs away and I just chuckle.. when I should've also ran away but I didn't.. that wave ate me up and I was tumbling in the water, I think I drank a lot of the it too. I'm like a dead fish on the beach and when I look up at the sky I hear Isaeli laughing so hard. "I'm gonna PEE!! I'M GONNA PEE!" She cries through her laughter. She's not even going to ask if I'm okay? I start to get up, and forsure I feel sand in my ass crack now.

"You look like a sugared donut." She throws her head back and laughs harder at me. "I could've drowned." I tell her. "Yeah, maybe." She nods. I chuckle, "You wouldn't have helped me?" I ask her. "I'm not CPR certified." She tells me. "Mouth to mouth is all I really need." I tell her in a slick way. "Oh, oh I see what you did there you skank." I gasp. "I'm not a skank!" I tell her. "Then why are your shorts so low? I can tell you got a bikini wax!" She laughs really hard. I look down, oh my gosh.. my dicks almost out. "WAIT! Before you pull up your shorts can I do something?" She asks. Before I can answer she's already up and close to me.

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