Chapter 8

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"Great, I don't know if I'm ready for this

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"Great, I don't know if I'm ready for this." He whispers nervously as his hands grip his coat. "No, you got this. We got this, we're here together Jimin. In case you've forgotten." I smile. He lets out a slow breath trying to relax himself. "D-Do I look okay?" He asks. "Yes baby, yes. You look amazing." I nod quickly. "Can I like, have my arm around you so it doesn't look like I'm terrified?" I grab one of his hands and wrap his arm around my waist. He sets a kiss on my cheek and I smile.

"Let's go, I'm ready." He whispers, "Okay." I set my hand on top of his that is flat on my stomach and we start to walk down the hallway to the hall where the reception is being held. I hear music, it's like.. a band. How classy, and relaxing. His arm grip tightens around my waist as we walk into the hall. "Jimin!?" I hear multiple people call out. I see 5 guys run up to us, all extremely good looking. Oh wow, we're were all these guys when I was single? "Hello, it's nice to meet you." One of them says as he grabs my hand and shakes it.

I can tell that Jimin finds himself and is comfortable when he takes a breath. He takes the liberty of introducing the man I just shook hands with. "This is Jungkook, or better known as Kookie and Jungkookie." what Jimin says, makes the rest of the boys laugh, like it came naturally. This man, who is apparently Jungkook, frowns. What? I think that's a cute nickname.. not for a grown man but, it's cute.

"I'm a grown ass man Jiminie, it's best you don't call me that. I'd be happy to kick you in the balls." He says standing up straight and fixing his tie. "Ugh, sorry babe, his mouth got dirtier when he grew up.. I was unaware." He whispers in my ear. I smile, "No it's fine." He nods. "This is my girlfriend Izzy." They all smile and wave at me. "Go ahead and introduce yourselves guys." Jimin tells them. One right away steps forward, he seems to be very cheeky and sweet.

"Kim Taehyung." He says with a boxes smile, I nod. "It's a pleasure." I say. "I'm Min Yoongi, the best looking of the bunch." Another says pushing Taehyung aside as he grabs my hand and shakes it. "Not true." Another pushes him. "I'm Kim Namjoon, the best out of everyone." He says with a smile, showing me his dimples. I nod and chuckle. "Jung Hoseok." The last one smiles at me, get an aura off these guys that they've known each other for a really long time.

Oo, Jimin still has his arm around me and I'm really enjoying it, though I feel like he's doing it to make sure that all the guys in the hall know I'm his. I mean, I don't mind.



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