Chapter 5

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I stare at him, mindlessly as he fixes customers drinks. The shirt he's wearing is completely hypnotizing. It's a tank top but the whole side is cut showing his built body. I'm not like most girls that would probably be mad at their boyfriend for wearing such thing. But hey, he looks fine as hell and I ain't going to tell him no. I hear him chuckle. "Can't stop staring at me sweet cheeks?" He asks as he prepares more drinks. I feel my face heat him.

"Can't I check out my man?" I ask. It's been like this for almost two weeks already, and I can't get enough of him. He's taken me out so many times I can't keep count, and all of them had a special memory. And he's the sweetest person ever, every morning waking me up with a sweet text and end every night with an even sweeter text. He's just so delicious, okay that escalated quickly. And, I definitely can't forget when he made it official a couple days ago. He smiles at me. "Of course you can." He says pulling on his shirt exposing his hard abs. My mouth waters. "You jerk." I laugh. He winks at me, bitch knows exactly that he was doing. "You do the same, so. Win win?" He asks leaning in towards me. "How am I teasing you?" I ask in a whisper.

He smiles. "Those little outfits of yours." He says. I chuckle and tilt my head a bit. "Is that so?" I ask. He barely nods his head. "Aye! Can I get a drink over here?!" A person yells forcing Jimin away from me. Throughout the night I kept buying drinks, and when Jimin noticed that I was drinking too much I'd give people money to buy my drink. I don't know why I wanted to drink so much, but by the end of the night.. I'm drunk.

My body moves to the music as I feel a little tipsy, or maybe more than tipsy? My body bumps against other peoples bodies, I ignore as I don't really care. I look over at the empty bar as the night is almost over and people are leaving. Jimin has his chin resting on the palm of his hand and is leaning over the bar watching me. I shoot him a smile as I turn to dance looking the other way. Less and less people scatter the dance floor.

Until finally, I'm the only one here. As I slowly dance to the calm music I then feel muscular arms wrap around my waist and a face buries into the crook of my neck. "Izzy.." Is all he says. I turn in his arms not taking my body away from his. Right away he kisses my lips, and I kiss him back. I don't know if it's because I'm drunk, but I become so hot for him. I find myself grinding up against his hips. His tongue enters my mouth and I let it. Again with his taste, so good.

Our tongues dancing together, actually.. more like fighting. He parts the heated kiss and trails kisses down my neck. A small moan escapes my lips as I throw my head back, I enjoy his butterfly kisses. I run my fingers through his hair as he continues to kiss my neck. I grab his face and make him kiss my lips again. I take a step back during our heated kiss and he follows my lead until I stumble upon the leather couch. He falls on top of me. I laugh throwing my head back.

"Are you okay?" He chuckles out of breath. I nod my head and kiss him again. He's in between my legs, I can't stop the urge to push my hips against him. He lets out a low groan, but he doesn't move his hips into me. Does he not get the idea? Gosh Jimin. "Jimin.." I manage to say. He hovers over me, my red lipstick smothered on his lips. "I.. I want you.." I choke on my words as if unsure. His eyebrows knit and he gets off of me, sitting on the couch. I frown and sit up in confusion. I am confusion. "What's wrong? Don't you want me?" I ask.

He looks at me with a worried look on his face. "You're drunk." He tells me. I cross my arms over my chest and frown. "So you don't." He frowns. "Not like this, and we can't rush things in my club. Especially when you're in this state, and can't think straight." He says. His words had actually made their way to a part of my brain that wasn't as intoxicated as the rest of it and I realized that what he's saying is right. I drop my arms. "You're right... I'm sorry.." I tell him.

He shakes his head making a clicking sound with his tongue, oh gosh that tongue. "No no no.. Don't apologize." He says. I run my thumb on his lips and try to take off as much lipstick as I could. I lay there a while, with my head on his lap as he runs his fingers through my hair. It's very relaxing and soothing. He hums to me a pretty tune and I become a bit sleepy. "Let me take you home, sweet cheeks." He says rubbing my back. I grunt. "I like it here." I say sleepily, not wanting to leave this comfortable position. He chuckles. Just then, he picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the club.

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