Chapter 21

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The tension is rising in my stomach a lot right now. I'm not sure if I look good, or if people are arriving.. isn't Izzy supposed to be the one freaking out? I feel like the woman in the relationship, a woman with an amazing penis. I can't stop walking around the room.

"Jimin, please." Jungkook laughs, I frown. "Jungkook, you've done this before. That's why you're not nervous, and you're not the one doing it." He grins and sits down. "I remember my wedding day." His eyebrows knit, his grin slowly turning into a huge smile. "Believe me Jimin, when you see her in that dress and her face lights up when she sets her eyes on you.." He looks at me. "It's like a dream, It's like a gift." He smiles bigger, and I swear on my life, he looks like a grown man.

But then again, he is. It's not like back in the day where he's barely twenty years old and he's barely growing hair on his chest, always being the macho man of the group. "And believe me Jimin, you'll cry because she's so beautiful. Also because your love together will be sealed, not only by God but by your spirit." His words touch my heart. "Thanks Jungkook, this is why you're my best man. Do you know if the other members are here? I was hoping that they'd be here." I begin to play with the cuffs of my coat. He nods. "It's a complete honor brother, and I think they're running late. But don't worry, they promised to be at the ceremony." He slaps my chest, "There's nothing to be worry about, everything will be perfect."

My jaw clenched, "And um.. m-my pare-", "There's still no sign of them, no calls to indicate that they're coming.. I'm sorry Jimin." I bite my lip and nod slowly, "It's okay." I whisper, though I know it's not okay. They're adults and they still haven't gotten over the fact that I dropped out of school, they still think I'm a failure and they probably don't even care that I'm getting married. And the sad thing is, not even my little brother cares to call me nor answer me. Which I have many times but he never picks up, and I know for a fact that it's my parents. The door barges open cutting through my thoughts that I shouldn't be having on my wedding day.

"Appa! Bella says I can't have the little chocolates that's in the baskets." Sam, Jungkook's son cries. His face and hands smothered in chocolate, surprisingly there wasn't a single speck on his suit. "Oh boy Sam, come here so I can clean that chocolate off you." Jungkook gets up and gently grabs Sam, setting him on the table. He grabs a towel and cleans the little look alike of himself. "No more chocolate Sam, enough is enough. You'll get a tummy ache and you'll have to poo a lot, okay?" I chuckle at the conversation, Sam nods.

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