Chapter 16

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•2 Months Later •

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•2 Months Later •

He pulls me under his arm, and we walk along the coast.. Our feet on the sand and our toes being splashed by the water as it came then left. I wrap my arm around him, every time another girl would check him out, I'd kiss him just to be a real bitch. And I'm guessing he'd do the same, because it was every once in a while. "I like being with you.. Jimin." I confess to him, I sense him smile as I stare ahead to the endless sand ahead of us. "I love spending time with you, and I can't really imagine giving it to anyone else about you. From day one I've realized how different you are, that's why I'm so attracted to you." My stomach fills with butterflies.

I look up at him, my fingers touching his side. "These past few months that we've been together have really made me feel something, my heart pounds so much when I'm around you. I fall in love so much deeper for you everyday, and when I'm not around you it feels like I'm missing something." He looks at me and I slowly smile. "I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have you, I'm literally happy all the time now and.. I don't feel so worthless." I then frown, "Jimin.. you're not worthless." I tell him. "Well, that's what I thought before I met you." He says under his breath, "For a long time I hated myself, and I wanted to do really bad things." I stare at him, his eyes looked sad.

"You've changed me a whole lot Isaeli, I.. I don't see myself as nothing, I have a chance to be close to my friends again.. and I have a whole lot of support that I didn't have for a really long time." He lowers his face and presses his forehead on the top of my head. I slowly close my eyes, I wrap my arms around him and he hugs me back. "Support is all you need, your friends and a whole lot of love from me.." I tell him. I run my hands up and down his back, "I'm happy I went to that club, I'm happy that I sat at the bar and I'm happy you drove me home, then showed up the next morning." I nod slowly and turn my face into his shirt, "Happy is all I feel when I even think about you." I feel his back flex and I stop rubbing his back and just keep my hands in place.

"Honestly, I don't know why I started telling you about this but I feel like it was really necessary to express myself to you." He whispers quietly, only our ears can hear. "It feels nice to let you know how I feel." I hold him a little longer, and his hand goes through my hair. I know for a fact that as long as I'm with Jimin I'm always going to be happy. He sets a kiss on my head and I look up at him with my chin on his chest, he kisses my lips and smiles right after. "Now tell me Isaeli.. how do you suppose we spend today?" He asks as he starts to walk again, and we continue down the shoreline. "Just together, that's all I want." I smile. I hear him gasp and I become very confused.

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