Chapter 17

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I wipe down the new and improved bar, ready for the parade of people that usually come into the club at this time

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I wipe down the new and improved bar, ready for the parade of people that usually come into the club at this time. A lot of stuff has been buzzing around since people have been so excited about Jimin's newly remodeled club. It's actually extremely new, so turns out that before he owned this club, the owner had built another really thick wall over the actual wall around the whole club for some bizarre reason. So Jimin had it all knocked down and the place looks even bigger. He chose a light gray for the walls, and since the walls are bigger now he extended the bar so that more people can sit down and he changed it to a metal bar.

He had new selves installed that glow and all the alcohol is able to be displayed perfectly for customers. The interior is much better than it was before, a long couch that's velvet, ran along the wall. Several tables scattered a certain side of the club for people to stand and socialize that were complimented with really nice stools. It's much more organized, and the best feature... The dance floor. The floor actually lights up. How cool is that? He even put in a DJ booth, so even if Jimin didn't want to have employees he's going to have to hire a DJ if he wants his club to be really bomb. Or his words, "Have Jams."

I'm still very surprised actually. This is obviously all very costly, and I know because I work with numbers. He told me that he had been saving up for years, so it didn't have to come much out of his pocket. But I got to admit, it's more updated and more appealing. Even the bathrooms are so much nicer, and they don't smell like sex anymore. I feel arms wrap around my waist after I get a good look of the club and I hear him sniff my hair.

"You're doing a great job sweet cheeks." I smile and lean back into him. He buries his face into my neck, a loud and over exaggerated sniffing sound fills my ears making me chuckle. "You smell so good, it's tempting." One of his hands lowering in between my legs. I twirl around and face him. "Now Jimin, you know today is the grand reopening of your club. So I don't think you should be all grabby grabby with me." I poke his chest, trying to prove my point. He chuckles. "Fine, because you're hot." He pecks my lips, I raise an eyebrow.

"What?" I laugh. "So if I wasn't hot, you wouldn't listen to me?" I smack his arm playfully. He laughs and kisses my naked shoulder. "Not what I meant." He says as he trails kisses to my neck. I toss my head to the side and grip his hair. It's been a force from this new habit I've started having and I'm not going to lie and say I didn't like it when he kissed my neck. Just then I feel him suck ruining the good feeling. I push him back. "No Jimin, no hickies tonight." He laughs and shrugs, literally not even giving a shit if I look skanky hoe with all these stupid hickies on my neck that he wants to give me.

"Okay eomma." I raise an eyebrow, "Is that a kink?" I ask and he just laughs. He unzips his sweater that had cut sleeves to reveal his bare chest and abs. My eyes widen. "You got a problem with the way I'm dressed?" He asks, obviously noticing that my eyes are all over his skin. And I know he did it cause he doesn't like how I'm dressed. I'm wearing a black strapless shirt that showed a lot of cleavage as it's a sweetheart shaped chest part, and my white shorts are just below my butt cheeks. Honestly though, if I bend over it'd be all ass flowing out like puddy. And of course, my signature black wedges that matched well with the top. My curled hair thrown up in a high ponytail, and I had worked extra hard on my makeup. Natural with a little bit party girl pizzazz.

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