Before You Continue..

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For those of you that read all my books, you know that this used to be in Purpose, but I've decided to add this to all the Break Up books so people can grasp them better and understand what I want everyone to. I find this easier for people to be able to read in order and not JUST read the Jimin books.

The break up starts off in 2017, because that's when I wanted it to take place. There are huge time gaps in all the stories and I've tried my best to approximate how old each member is at the beginning of their book so you can keep up.

If you haven't gotten the gist yet, in my books the Bangtan Boys are split up.. that's why they're called the BTS Break up series. Even though its not verified as the boys meet new girls (the main character), it IS simply the reason why they haven't seen each other for so long. Keep in mind that the boys are very hurt with the fact that the group is split up, which I'm pretty sure that they very much would be in real life, so they don't share and are unable to tell the reason WHY they haven't seen their friends.

Such as spoken about in the Jimin fanfiction. (Which if you haven't read you should check it out)

All the BTS fan fictions that I'll be working on getting revised will be tied into every book. Each book will be how each of the boys are dealing and coping in their own lives, with the breakup of the band because it's not just about one specific member. Though a lot of the books will be dealing with different time periods of the break up.


Other BTS Breakup fanfictions of mine to look into:

•Seokjin: happening during the 3rd year of band break up. [ is about 28/29 ]

•Yoongi: happening during 2nd year of band break up. [ is about 26/27 ]

•Namjoon: takes place at the exact time of the break up. [ is about 23 ]

••different time period as Jungkook [ is about 21 ], Jimin [ Is about 30 ] , Hoseok [ is about 35 ], and Taehyung [ Is about 30 ] fanfiction, these four books are approximately are in the same time zone. But everything basically carry on from Jimin's books after Jungkook's series is complete.

Now, I do suggest to go by the other I recommend. But of course! You don't have to, you can read it in any order you'd like. But do keep in mind, that even if you read the books in order, there are still spoilers to the other books that come after. So you basically know what's going to happen in the other books. I think the Jungkook and Jimin books give the most away, but that's okay. That's why I said you can go by your own preferences.

You can even read two books at the same time or jump around, anything is okay.


[ Adjusted order]
Order to read: (only a suggestion, but will help you understand better)

1-3. Jungkook books 1-3
[ Amoureuse, Serenity, Purpose ]
4. Hoseok
[ Our Sweet Love ]
5. Yoongi
[ Save Me ]
6-8. Jimin books 1-3
[ MSG, Sensual, Sensations ]
9. Seokjin
[ Everlasting ]
10. Taehyung
[ Motionless ]
11. Namjoon
[ Reflection ]

I hope to have all these books revised and better in no time, but I will assure you that I've gotten good reviews from all these books even at their unrevised and mediocre selves. And plus, these books will always be around so when you're revised you can always just go back and read them when they're better.


I hope I didn't confuse anyone with the concept I'm trying to get at. I know everything is everywhere but I hope all the time zones aren't too jumpy. I just wanted to cover different years for different members, I wanted this series to be unique. And hopefully you guys are as excited as I am to see the finished product of these books.

Ps. You know if each book is complete when this chapter is in them. And obviously if it said in the first "••" chapter that its revised.

Anyways, hope this clears everything up. I know that not everyone reads my bio so I decided to include this in every BTS Breakup story.

Also, if there is anything wrong with the ages of the members please let me know because I really want to get it as accurate as possible.

Much love! 💋 *muaaah!*



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