Chapter 18

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•Two Weeks Later •

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•Two Weeks Later •

"Look it'll be much easier than you think" I roll my eyes at his absurd words, he can't possibly think that he can win her over so quickly. She seemed so whipped on Jimin, which is only going to make my part harder. He smiles at me. "You know, for a hottie like you, rolling your eyes makes you look like a rat dog." I scrunch my nose. "What the fuck." I smack the side of his head but he doesn't flinch, he just laughs. Even with that hard thud I made with my hand on his head, it didn't rattle his brain to make him take back his insult. "Is that supposed to be a stupid compliment? Cause for a cute guy like you, your words make you seem like a real dick." He smiles.

"That is not what you said when we were getting it on couple weeks back." He wiggles his eyebrows, I push his shoulder making him barely move. "Shut up! That's before I knew you were with that girl that's got my man. And plus, it wasn't that good anyways." I throw up my nose. His goofy expression quickly goes away. "For sure Jimin is better at moving his hips than you, and he lasts longer. Also, he doesn't just think about himself, he knows how to treat a woman." I buff my nails on my shirt. "You're the one who moans like a dying raccoon, at least Isaeli sounded hot in bed." My jaw drops.

"We're missing the point here! I want Jimin and you can have what's left over of that girl." I roll my eyes. "What's that supposed to mean? What's left of her?" He asks me. "I mean, you don't actually think that she's going to be okay after Jimin breaks her heart when he instantly comes to me, do you? She'll be a wreck." I explain to him. "What's the plan?" He asks, I instantly get his attention. What guy doesn't like to hear about a girl who's depressed and will need another man to heal her up? Exactly. I smile. "You said she works at the Samsung building right?" I ask. He nods. "Then that's where we're headed." I smile. "Alright." He starts up his car and we head for that stealing bitches job.


"Oh really? I think that's pretty cute

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"Oh really? I think that's pretty cute." She tells me as we stand in the woman's bathroom. "Yeah, I guess he's going to take me out to dinner or something." I explain to her. She wiggles her eyebrows at me. "You gonna get it on?" she asks, she's always so into knowing about my sex life because I'm really the only one that has one out of the both of us. "Maaaaybe, maybe not." I smile. "Well, I think it's been.. how long since you've gotten any?" She asks, teasing me. "I uh-" I burp and cover my mouth, my stomach starts to hurt really bad.

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