Chapter 3

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Jimin had dropped me off at my apartment and told me what time to head over to his club

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Jimin had dropped me off at my apartment and told me what time to head over to his club. I look through my closet looking for appropriate clothes to wear on a date but still look good. I finally find an outfit. My tight black leggings, my leather jacket and my favorite burgundy strapless shirt. I throw my hair up into a elegant bun and pull strands of hair out from in front of my ears and I fix my bangs. I check myself out in my mirror. I smile at my effort to actually look like a good looking human being. I apply some mascara and my favorite nude lipstick. I smile at my finished product.

I decide that I have to be adventurous tonight, I have to take chances. All I want to do is have fun, maybe even impress him. I haven't had male interaction like this in years, I feel like Mat doesn't count cause I don't have any sort of feelings for him. And I wait for a while until the time, I decide that I should be right on time. Maybe I should be ashionably late or anything, and I shouldn't go by the office motto either. If you're before time your on time, if you're on time you're late. Yeah, that doesn't apply to right now.


I stand outside the club, tapping the front of my black wedges on the sidewalk. Wondering if I should go inside, I look at the time, there's still a minute or two before I'm supposed to see him. Of course the office woman inside me said that I He to be on time because he knows I'm a businesswoman and that I'll be on or before time. Stop stalling, stop being a wimp and go inside stupid! I nod and listen to my thoughts as they tell me what to do. I finally walk into the club, it's quite packed today. I'm barely able to make my way over to the bar, luckily I find an empty stool. I knock my knuckle on the wood. He turns and looks at me. He smiles. "Hey sweet cheeks, glad you finally made it. And a couple minutes before time, as I expected." He says followed by a wink. Well.. There goes my perfectly clean underwear. God. He can't know I think about him in this way, I barely met him.

I notice him staring at me as I finally get out of lala land. "You look pretty." He says with a smirk. I grin, and my heart flutters. "Thanks, you look great yourself." I say checking him out. We might as well have matched. He's wearing black jeans, a leather jacket and a white shirt. Besides the shirt color, we basically matched. For the night he gave me one drink. "Make it last the whole night cause I don't need a drunk date, but I still want you to enjoy the night."

He told me, we were talking about stuff that happened in our life when this girl walks up to the bar. She's got huge breast, literally popping out of her shirt. She's really pretty, but you can tell she cakes her face. She leans forward, and I know its to get him to look. I'm a bit jealous, but I don't check if he looked at them or not. "Hey cutie, can I have two beers?" She asks in an annoying tone. I watch him as he fills two cups. I feel antsy, like I need to do something. Take chances.

Once he's done with her drinks, she doesn't leave. Take chances. "So, baby how about you and me? After this club dies out we can do it on the couches in here?" She asks. I feel this urge to stop her from flirting with him, to get her to back off. TAKE CHANCES. I stand up and walk behind the bar, I pull his shoulder to face me.

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