Chapter 6

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"You're not turned off or anything?" I ask

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"You're not turned off or anything?" I ask. He frowns and shakes his head. "Why would I be turned off? Whether you're a virgin or not, it doesn't matter to me." He tells me. I look away and shrug. He uses his hand to make me look at him. "Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed about, no matter how old you are. If anything, you should be proud of yourself." He says, I'm confused. "Proud?" I ask, he nods.

"You made it through high school, where most girls lose their virginity and college where, don't even get me started." He says making me feel better about myself. "So, now that you know..." I say, my heart pounding in my chest. He grins as he lowers his head and I feel him kiss my jaw as he presses his lips against my ear making my legs go weak. "I'll just take it slow." He whispers as he kisses me, causing the heat to start up again.

He's back on top of me, grinding up against me. I let out a small moan as I feel his hard member against my core. He slips off my shirt and right away kisses my stomach, causing my insides to turn and tighten. He kisses up my torso, kissing my clothed breast. His hands running down my side. His lips all over my neck and I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers run into his hair. I let out a breath and pull my hips up to his, he hums against my neck and drops his hips to mine more.

My fingers grip at his dark locks, and his fingers find their way to the waistline of my pajama pants. He looks up at me, as if asking for permission. I feel my heart pounding against my chest. I nod and he slips them off. He tosses them across my room as he examines my body, I close my legs until he pulls them apart to get a good look at my vulnerable body. Vulnerable in a good way, obviously. I bite my lip and stare at him as he looks at me with those eyes, a little smirk pulling on his lips.

"I feel bad for all those guys you were with before me, cause they're missing out.." He says as he runs his hands up and down my body. I sit up and pull on the front of his belt, he chuckles and pushes me back. "No need to be impatient sweet cheeks, we'll get there, we've got time. I just want your first time to be.." He pulls off my moist underwear.

"Unforgettable." He finally says before burying his face in between my legs, I gasp. I've never felt this way before, my hands grip onto his hair and he grabs onto my hands and he holds my wrists so they don't move. Yeah.. Mats touched me but he never did this. Dear Jesus.

The way he worked his tongue and lips, I just can't explain the overdose of pleasure he's giving me at this moment. He pins down my thighs to the bed, wide open so that I don't move and that he has full access to everything. He just digs right in. Ugh, let me rephrase that, I make him sound like he's some kind of hungry animal. He forces his face into my core again as he positions my hips. I cover my mouth completely embarrassed with the sounds I'm making.

I feel him stop, and I'm a bit disappointed. He's looking at me and smiles, shaking his head as he clicked that skilled tongue of his. He removes my hand from over my mouth. "Let me hear your moans sweet cheeks, let's me know I'm doing a good job." He grabs both of my hands, holding onto my wrists against my stomach this time. He heads back down and presses his lips against me.

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