Chapter 10

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I wake up in the morning, with the light blue sheets covering my body

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I wake up in the morning, with the light blue sheets covering my body. I sit up rubbing my eyes. The sun light drapes in from the window, blinding me a bit. Once my eyes focus I look around the room, to only find that he's not in the bed with me and I'm all by myself. I pull my legs off the side of the bed, the carpet is soft but cold beneath my bare feet. I find myself looking around his room, it's very tidy and smells like his cologne.

I wrap my arms around my chest as I forgot that I didn't even wear a bra with my dress last night, great. My chocolate chips are going to be everywhere for show. I get up from the bed to walk over to the door and open it, to only find myself in his closet. I'm about to close it when I notice something odd about it, I walk in being the little nosy bitch that I am. My jaw drops to the sight of all kinds of sex toys. Straps and gags, whips and paddles even several bottles of lube. And the other things I'm not sure I quite understand.

"Being a little snoop I see." I jump and almost piss myself to the sound of Jimin's voice, no.. he almost made me piss on the Carpet.. that's what I met. "Shit! Jimin! You scared me half to death you ..." I stop short as I'm hypnotized by his shirtless chest and abs. "So I see you've found my naughty closet." He says with an eyebrow raised, he licks his lip. Uuuuu boy, you better put that shit awaaaay. I look back at all the things that hang off the wall from nails and sit on long white shelves neatly. "I didn't think you were the type to have sex toys." I say running my fingers along a leather strap.

"I'm sure I don't look like the type to eat out my girlfriend, but I do." I look at him shocked with his words, a bit turned on even. My voice was caught in my throat but I quickly clear it and I'm able to talk. "You use all this?" I ask in complete curiosity, which is also turning me on even more. He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the closet and closes it behind us. "Now that sweet cheeks, is for another day." He says with a smirk. "Why not right now?" I ask wanting to see what kind of things he does with those naughty objects.

He chuckles. "Patience." He wraps his arms around my waist, bringing his shirt higher on my body only to reveal my bare butt. "So was I given my punishment last night?" I ask. "You want a punishment?" He asks, I nod my head and bite my lip. "Okay." He says before he smacks his hand on my right buttcheek. I throw my head back and laugh. "You like that don't you?" He asks in a seductive tone, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't.

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