Chapter 6: In love with this boy

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A/N : This one wasn't too long to wait ,huh? ;)

Katniss POV

"Annie! Change the channel! All those cooking channels are making me hungry!" Johanna shrugs angrily at Annie. I smile at my friends while they are arguing for the control of the tv. Finnick never talks. No one wants to mess with Annie now.

Except of Johanna!

"Shut up Jo! I will watch what I want!" Annie fights back giving her a death glare.

"Damn it. If you are like a witch, how will be Katniss when she will be pregnant?" Johanna said ironically and both me and Peeta almost choke. How did she even think of that?

She is Johanna! She has to be like that by law!

"How did you even think about that?" I ask her angrily.

"Just saying that I feel sorry for Peeta!" Johanna said giving Peeta a fake sorry look.

"She won't be that bad." Peeta said and I give him a meaningful look "When the time comes we will learn I guess!" he continue and avoid my eyes.

"Wait, so as soon as you get married, we will have little Mellarks?" Finnick ask and laugh a bit.

Wait. WHAT? Who started talking about children!

"Wait, WHAT??" I say and sit up looking Finnick confused.

"Oh my god! I bet they will look like Katniss!!" Annie said with her happy mood. All of her mood swings are so tiring!

"JUST STOP!" I shout at them after a little while of them talking about me and Peeta. Why they started talking about that like we are not even there?

"Who has ever told you we are even getting married?" Peeta said and I keep my eyes on Finnick and Annie.

"Who has even told you that we are going to have children?" he continue, he is looking at everyone now. Avoiding my gaze as I am dead-curious to see what he is going to say next. But he don't say anything next as someone cut him off.

"I am pretty sure this one here." Johanna said and shows me making my eyes trailed to her curiously. " going to get pregnant soon!" Johanna said and laughed ironically and smirked at me. My eyes turned to Peeta. Asking what she meant. Was something I should get mad? But the answer came to me by the bright red color on his cheeks. My eyes widen as I realize what Johanna meant. I look at my lap embarrassed and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Why you feel embarrassed love birds? Did I say anything wrong?" Johanna keep saying and I shot her a death glare.

"Oh my! You are like that because..." Johanna starts and looks at Finnick who instantly understands too. " too haven't done anything yet!" she continues and starts laughing hard. Now I can't even look at my lap and I close my eyes shut praying the earth to open right now and make me disappear. I can even hear Annie chuckle a little.

"How could this even be possible?" Finnick said and laugh hard too. "You too like, radiate sex!" he continues almost choking.

"SHUT UP FINNICK!" Peeta and I say in unison angrily. But this made things worse as I can see Finnick and Johanna clutching their stomachs while laughing.

"We don't radiate ...-" Peeta try to say still embarrassed when we hear a known voice from the tv and we all stop making any noise.

Caesar Flickerman

"We have to hear from them for so long! And they are finally here. The star-cross lovers from district 12!" he said and instantly a picture of us appears in the screen. I can feel my cheeks from hot turn to cold. And I can see Peeta turning pale. We are like getting ready for the worst.

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