Chapter 2: A last goodbye

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*I don't own the hunger games

The days were passing fast, we were working on the book, Peeta was working on the bakery re-built, and I was hunting. A day that I had a good game with me and I went home early and head for the bakery to see how is going. But Peeta wasn't there. I thought that he had gone to sell bread around the district as he usually was doing, and I was right. I saw him wave to me from a couple of meters away. I ran next to him and I thought of helping him. He told me that he only had a few houses in the East of the district. We walked together for a while when we arrived to a neighborhood with big houses in different colors.  Peeta went to the last one and I went to the first giving me the promise that we will meet in the middle. With a smile stuck in my face I rung the door bell. A woman opened the door and I started saying without looking at her: "Hello. I'm from the Mellark bakery. Would you like to buy some bre-" I stopped talking and froze.  I knew those eyes. And those wavy orange hair. And then I remembered. The last time I saw this hair were full of leafs and dirt and those eyes were coldly, dead eyes. And then I realized and the loafs of bread fell on the grass. My eyes widen as I realized that, she was Foxface's mother. She tried to smiled to me but she couldn't make it friendly. Her face came into my thoughts and I couldn't stand anymore. I fell on the ground taking some steps backwards with my back on the ground and my eyes frozen on hers. Peeta saw me from far away and ran next to me fast. As I was waiting for his strong arms to help me get up, another pair of hands helped me up, I saw Peeta he had frozen too as he was looking at the man with the blue eyes and blond hair next to me. And then I got it Cato's father. As we started looking around us in panic we realized that- like the Games- we were surrounded by Careers. But this time surrounded by their parents. A woman with blond hair and green eyes and a small woman with black eyes and black hair. Everyone was there. Watching us like we were mice in the trap. I hid my face in my hand and started crying.

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..." I started saying. They were looking at me, I could feel it. And then I heard a voice. It was Clove's mother.

"Get up!" Her voice was sweet but I could hear the pain and the hardness.

"I thought the Mockingjay didn't cry!" Cato's father said

I looked at them for first time. Their eyes were empty. I knew that emptiness. I was feeling it every day since my father and Prim died. I stood up slowly. Peeta and I were looking at the ground without looking or talking, trying even not to breath. Glimmer's mother spoken: "I had to hate you. I wish I could. But I don't. Otherwise, you gave us our freedom!" These words were like a punch in my belly.

And last Foxface's mother- who was standing in front of us, with her hands covering her mouth. "I know Finch wouldn't want me to hate you. It's not your fault. You weren't the ones that invented the Games." She said and sight "It's just... we miss them so much" and a single tear fall from her cheek. And it was then that I had the courage to turn my eyes from the ground to Peeta. I found his eyes looking at me too. We were thinking the same thing. These people had to say their last goodbye to their children through our book.

Thanks for reading! It really helps my career as an author! Please leave and comment. :) -Girl_in_Darkness

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