Chapter 17: To Forgive

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sorry for not posting but a certain reader who I'll dedicate this chapter to, made me write again :D

-Peeta's POV-

Katniss was released from the hospital four months after she woke up. Dr. Sage said that her condition was stable and we shouldn't be worried.
like I am able not to be worried for her

Mrs. Everdeen left district twelve and went back to four. I know it does bothers Katniss but she can't let it show. She knows the pain is too much for her mother to bear. Even though the district is being built again, is tough for everyone but now Katniss seems so vulnerable that the memories seem to swallow her more and more everyday.

All I can do is be there for her as much as I can because I want to.

I need to

I must prove that I am there for her that I will always be and that I care and love her more than anything in the whole world.

Because I do. And I wouldn't change that feeling to everything in the world.

If they would ever. EVER. come to my door and tell me there is a cure for hijacking but I would lose that feeling, that warmth, that love- because I always knew it was love- I have for Katniss...

I would tell them to screw off.

Where we are now as in a relationship, I don't know. She kisses me when she is an emotional wreck. She would hold me tightly until our hearts beat as one.

I would hold her until she stops shaking and crying.

Then the confusion comes. She would look at me after kissing. Her grey eyes have an unreadable expression which makes me want to disappear but I stay there, holding onto her.

Her lips would open and slowly she would mouth an unfinished sentence. The same sentence she is never able to finish.
"I... I..."

but then I will lay her down on her pillow.

Kiss her head and whisper soothing words while petting her hair.

As I watch her work on fixing the arrows on her bow. The focused amd yet worried look on her face, I know she hasn't forgave me completely but I don't give up.

It has become my life goal to get her back.

She keeps the engagement ring I gave her inside a drawer in her bedside table. She almost never opens it but sometimes I catch her staring at the drawer like it's cursed.

Like it will bring more problems to her.

I always leave when I catch her do that.

"Hey" I say leaning against her counter as I have arrived to her house. I tap my fingers on the counter as she turns to look at me.

"Hey" she says and stands up. She already got her quiver on her back and she looks like she forgot to eat breakfast and she is ready to hit the woods.

"You can leave in a while. I didn't stayed up all night making cheesebuns for nothing" I say and hold up a basket with her favorite baked good.

Her eyes lit up for a moment but then she glances at me

"You stayed up all night..." she says like she is trying to take it in, "To make something for... me?"

I nod smiling warmly to her. She should already know that I am willing to do anything for her and staying up all night is really nothing.

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