Chapter Six

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Riker's POV

I was waxing down my surf board when Amy came out of the house in her bright yellow bikinis. "Morning." She said to me but I was still starring at her skinny body. "Morning Riker." She said, "Huh? What? I wasn't starring at-" she said then grabbed her surf board, "I mean Good Morning." I said finally getting myself together. "You waxed my board? Thank you." She said and came over to me with it. "Aren't you cold?" I asked her even though she looked smoking hot. "I am a little bit, but I'll warm up." She said and we both ran down to the beach together.

We were both paddling out when I turned my back and Ross and Rocky were watching with Ratliff and Kelly. "Hey, why is your cousin and your new friends here, Kelly and..." She trailed of once we were further out. "Ratliff." I said as she forget his name. "Yeah. Him." She asked, "Well, he dances at Rydel and Rocky's dance studio." I said, "Cool." She said, "Yeah. He can play the drums. We might start our own band soon." I added, "Oh cool. And I hope I'm saying this correctly, but you'll, be playing the bass?" Amy said, "Yep. I could teach you. If you want." I said nervously. "Yeah, I've always wanted to play guitar. It looks really cool." Amy said, and looked out into the water. "Yeah it is cool. Hey, do you think you could surf that wave." I said challenging her and pointing to it. "Yep." She said and paddled out. I paddled behind her and surfed the wave after it. "Nice. You're a really good surfer." I said, "Thanks. You're not to bad yourself." She said, smiling. We surfed for another hour, but we only managed to surf about five waves. I was going to impress her, by surfing the massive wave that was coming towards us. I paddled out, and surfed it. "Nice job." She said and paddled next to me and pushed me in. When I reached the surface, I heard her cute giggle as she swam away.

We were back at the beach house drying off. "Nice fall Riker!" Rocky laughed as he came out and joined us. "Yeah. I thought you said you could keep your balanced." Ryland said, "Or did Amy distract you?" Rydel teased me as Amy was putting her board away. "Guys, I pushed him in." She said coming out and joining us. "You did?" Ross said, "Riker got beaten up by a girl." Rocky said, "That's worse than falling in." Rydel said, and everyone laughed but me. I walked inside and got changed. Someone knocked in the door, so I answered it. "Hey Riker. I'm sorry, I pushed you in. I was only having a bit of fun." Amy said sweetly but I could tell she was guilty. "It's fine." I said, "Hey, instead of going to the cafe," I said almost yelling cafe out so my brothers and sister would think that's where we're going, "Why don't I take you some where nicer?" I asked her and took her into my room. "Ooo. Okay." She said, "When?" She asked, "seven o'clock." I simply said, "Okay." She said and hugged me and walked out of my room.

Amy's POV

I was putting on my black beach dress when Rydel came into the room. "Hey, can I do you hair and make up?" She asked in a pleading tone. "Only because you're my best friend." I said and and literally jumped on the bed and then sat down behind me. She was doing my hair in a fish tail braid when Kelly walked into the room. "Black? Really?" She said, "Uhh." I stuttered, "It's cute. It suits you because you're so white." She said. "Ooh. You should wear this." She said taking off her Owl necklace and putting it on me. "Does everyone know that I'm going on a date with Riker?" I questioned, "Yep." Rydel said excitedly and put a small flower clip in my hair. "You guys don't really have to do this." I said, kinda wanting them to stop. "But we want to. It's not everyday a friend of ours goes on a date with my brother." Rydel said, and I passed her my make up bag. She was only putting on minimal make up on my face. Kelly ran out of the room, to go get something. "Rydel, please. Can you stop?" I asked her, "We kinda wanted this to be a secret." I said to her, "Oh. To Bad." She joked. "Please, don't break my brothers heart. He will actually cry for days, and he won't talk to anybody. Rocky gets really annoyed by the end of it." Rydel said and I smiled. "Okay then." I said to her and giggled as she hugged me. "So, you're saying that I have to love your brother whether I want to or not?" I asked her, "Yep." She said pretty proud of herself.

"Well, I should go." She said and we hugged one last time. "Thanks Rydel for everything." I said and she left. The house was quiet as a mouse when Riker knocked on the bedroom door. I went to open it. "You look, wow. You look gorgeous." He said to me, "Thanks. Rydel and Kelly couldn't help them selves." I said and giggled. He took me to the car, I believe he called it Chubbs. "So, where are we going?" I asked him eagerly, "To the beach." He said, "You know we could walk there." I said and look at him as he drove off. He drove onto the sand and and stopped. "We're here." He said excitedly. "Oh." I said a little disappointed. "You okay?" He asked as we both got out of his car, but before I could say anything he opened the boot of his car and the was a picnic blanket laid out and a picnic basket and his guitar was in the corner. "This is so cute. I love it." I said excitedly and he helped me get in the back of the car.

"I thought you might like it." Riker said and opened the picnic basket. "It's adorable." I said as I sat next to Riker. "Thank you." He said and gave me a wine glass, "I can't drink yet." I said starting in panic inside. "neither can I" and he got out a bottle of soft drinks and I giggled. "I know it's a picnic, but I can't cook. So, I ordered a pizza." Riker said, "How's this, you teach me how to play guitar and I'll teach you how to cook?" I suggested, and our eyes locked. "Yeah, I'd like that." Riker said and looked down to my lips. He leaned in and I leaned in closer. We started breathing the same air and our breathing was cut off by our lips touching each others. It was perfect, they were both in sync with each others. It felt like I had forgotten everything I knew. I opened my eyes and we stopped. "Wow." Riker said, "I know." I smiled, and we heard a faint cheering in the behind us. Riker looked up and he could see Ross, Rydel and Rocky cheering on while watching from their beach house. I started blushing intensely. "Well Uhh, you hungry?" Riker asked and took out the pizza from the picnic blanket. "Yeah." I said, and I lay down on the picnic blanket eating my pizza. I noticed Riker had a bit of cheese near his lip, was he doing this on purpose so I would kiss him again. I grabbed the piece of cheese off his mouth and kissed him again. It was unbelievable. I ended up sitting next to Riker.

Riker's POV

"I Uhh, w-wrote you a song. Well, uhh, Rocky helped, i-it's about y-you." I said stuttering a bit and he grabbed his guitar. "It's ah called, Say You'll Stay." I said and placed the guitar on my lap and began singing,

"It's summer time, and you're all that's on my mind, everyday. It seems that we, could stay up and talk though the night, oh what do you say, say you'll stay. I just keep on wishing everyday, no more running around, running around, just say you'll stay.

And when I walk her to her door, I'm thinking, she, just give me one more kiss I beg you please. Say you'll stay. I just keep on wishing everyday, no more running around, running around, just say you'll stay. And who knows when we are together we never wanna go, and who know any kind of weather, I just need to know, to now.

That you, could be there every time I need you, say you'll stay. I just keep on wishing everyday, no more running around, running around, just say you'll stay." I said finishing. "D-do you, Uhh, like it?" I asked her, "Yes." Amy said hugging me, "I loved it." She said and kisses my cheek. "I really like you Amy. Like more than friends." I said to her, "Really?" Amy questioned me, "W-will you be my girlfriend?" I asked becoming more nervous than ever. "Of course I will." Amy said and kissed me. Every time we kissed, I got this feeling in my stomach, they were like butterflies.

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