The Choosing

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«The chosen ones are either the very brave or very foolish.»

I made my way to the Stadium, grasping Al's hand tightly as we were shoved and jostled through the crowd. The Stadium was once a magnificent place where people came to watch football matches. But now, its merely a place where rubble covers every inch of the ground and the current leader of the survivors, Sam, shuffles his feet nervously on a broken piece of the spectators stand. I always wondered why the technology gave humanity a leader, a little authority, a little power. Probably to amuse itself even more. A leader that could do barely anything but choose the "lucky" one. In a way, it kind of makes the leader unpopular, for it was his hands that picked the person and not technology. Maybe it was designed to split up apart even more. No trust.

Around of us are a squad of robots. Robots that turned against us. They're like a flood of metal, repeating in flat tones,"Please do not push or shove each other."

They seem innocent, but they're here to prevent any riots. Not like that would have soon. People have given up hope.

I find a spot clear of people and garb Al, pushing our way there. People grumble then fall silent as we pass, and I wince at the emptiness in some of their eyes. They have absolutely no hope that this war would end, have no reason to live on. I still wonder why they're here sometimes. Why they haven't killed themselves. But humans are always the survivors. Even when all hope is lost, we will still strive to grab on to that tiny flicker of hope. And that's why we're all here.

"People of all races! Today is the new start of the Ultimate Game. I'm sure you know why we're here, so I'll not waste any time explaining. Any volunteers?"

Not even the bravest of the bravest were willing to, for it was death packaged in pretty wrapping of words. Everyone always decides to let fate decide. Of course, the odds were, that out of that 10 000 people, you won't be chosen. It was a slim chance. Slim.

In front of him standing a globe of glass with a hole big enough for a hand to reach in. Inside are a tornado of paper, and I dimly recall taking a stub of charcoal and writing my name on a slip of paper and slitting it into the globe.

"And now, for the name."

He sinks a hand into the mess, rummaging for the chosen one. I bow my head, silently wishing please don't let it be me.

And it seems like I got my wish. "Al."

What?! Stiffly, Al stand up and walks to the stage. Every moment is filled with tension and he shakes in fear. It can't be! The odds...the odds were supposed to be dependable! Another person should have gotten it! Not him!

And at that exact moment, I knew what my fate was to be. I will never let another person I love get hurt again. Not because of me. Not ever.

I run towards Al. He's already clamouring up to where Leader Sam stands. Grasping Al's shoulder, I shove him behind me as I shout, "I volunteer!"

Two simple words. Astonishingly, it makes a big difference.

Stunned, Al yells, "No! You can't!"

The robots move towards him, their green eyes turning a vivid red. But before anything could happen, someone else grabs him, as I ascend towards Leader Sam. Nodding at that person, an unfamiliar stranger whom I'm grateful for all the same, I turn to face him. Behind me, Al shrieks, "Let me go! Don't sis!"

Leader Sam gaze sat me emotionless, although his eyes shown sadly. "Are you sure?" He whispers so softly I can barely make it out, and I nod.

"So be it. This young woman here volunteers to go through the portal for us!"

He starts clapping, sweat pouring down his forehead as he glances at the robots at every minute. But the crowd does nothing. They don't acknowledge him or technology. It's a silent rebellion. For me. A silent tribute. A silent and still farewell.

Leader Sam walks down the "podium" and I follow. I been through this before, so I know the direction of it. The portal to the digital world. Something metallic and cold curls around my wrist, and when I touch it, it beeps. A tracker, so that now, Everyone can see me fight on the mega large screens connected to it around this broken city. The portal is a purple shimmering light coming to life around a intricately decorated metal arch. The protal only appears on tha day of the Ultimate Games. If not, imagery other day it was a mere empty arch.

Leader Sam now turns to me. "Good luck."

Tearing my eyes from Al, who continues to struggle, I take a deep breadth.

And I step into the unknown.

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