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↑Papyrus's boss theme

«Lose your innocence and your heart will yearn for that lost innocence.»

Seconds grew to minutes, turning to hours, then days. Hour after hour I trekked, as my legs ached from all the exercise. I stopped once to rest under a giant tree that cast a large shadow over me, its cool shade beckoning at me, inviting me to enjoy.

But even as I pause for a moment, arm propped against the rough bark, my mind was immediately swarmed with memories. One word ominously repeated, kill or be killed. Toriel looked at me through tear glazed eyes. Alphys clawed her way to me, trembling as she breathed her last. My hands grip onto my trusty knife, then withdrew, disgusted at myself for being so paranoid.

But how could I not be paranoid, when everyone I saw had died for me, when every one of my senses was manipulated by this ultimate powerful being, The Creator, Astriel? Don't think about it, I'll only make it worse, I told myself.

I never stopped to rest after that.

Hunger pangs echoed in my stomach, but I ignored it almost easily. It was easily to deal with hunger then the pain of thinking of all those people. But I couldn't ignore it for long. I was so weak, I could barely walk. I needed food. Real food, meat. Then, I thought of the scraps I had salvaged from Alphys's house. Back then, I went back into her house to see if I could salvage anything. At that time, I was barely thinking clearly, and it was only thanks to my instincts.

Now, I sat down on the dirt path and opened the bag I found at Alphys's house. Then, I laid out the items inside. Two bottle half filled with water, a pie that suspiciously looked like a half eaten butterscotch pie, white bandages and a worn red cap.

Almost with a unbearable intensity, I snatched one bottle and forced myself to drink a quarter of it, sip by sip. Feeling much better, I gobbled down some of the pie, unable to control myself. With a full stomach, I got up, wincing at the burn of muscles. Then, I saw something else that raised my spirits up higher. A battered sign engraved with some words. "Snowdon, ten kilometers ahead."

Just ten more kilometres. Just ten more.


The first thing that hit me about the place was its weather. Literally. A big glob of snow fell from a brittle looking tree and fell smack onto my head. Shocked and irritated, I brushed it off, sighing. Looking at my surroundings, I suddenly found myself standing in some sort of place where snow fell lightly, almost floating down like confetti to meet me. I reached out a palm and grasped one of them, feeling a coldness spread through my hand as it turned soggy.

I was still in the forest, but when I looked back, I saw that not all the trees were all so "snowy". Like a invisible line, it split trees into different territories. Some were lush and green, while the ones on my side were cold and icy. I looked so weird, I stopped to stare at it. At the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something move, something that flashed blue. When I turned around, it was gone.

Then, the aching in my legs reminded me of my task. My promise to Toriel. The vengeance for Alphys's death.

I continued. Shivering. Walking briskly. But the cold refused to abate. It continued to seep into my bones, freezing them, turning them into brittle ice. I wrapped my arms around myself, but my almost numb limbs held barely no heat.

I walked on...but...I was still weak from all the malnutrition and dehydration. I...couldn't...go...on.

I felt snow on my cheeks, and the little warmth I had in my body fading away. My eyelids vision swam and


"Is...dead? "


A presence that both felt warm and cold. The rocking movements. Opening of a creaking door...still so cold...something soft beneath me...and a voice.

"Please...don't let it be genocide again..."

I wake up to warmth. Something soft covers me, and I'm tugged into a cosy bed. Confused, I take a good look at my surroundings. A bedroom that looks like a tornado swept unto the room and dumped everything it had onto the floor. There's a treadmill, and somewhere near it is a bin overflowing with trash. A drawer sticks out, revealing ruffled hoodies and sparkling trombones.

Shoving the blanket off me, I get up gingerly, feeling quite weak. But as soon as I get up onto my feet, I felt much better. As if somehow, standing up and walking on was like a cure to the disease inside me. Something inside me whispered, not a disease. A monster. Who killed Toriel and Alphys to escape.

I ignored the voice. When I enough gained strength to finally stand up and walk, I took another look around the room. Thinking of the cold outside, I take a blue fur lined hoodie. Its too large for me, but I felt cosy inside it. I steeled myself for whatever monster I would encounter outside.

Nothing. Nothing out of the ordinary. Its was a normal house, with a normal table and something metallic with a screen. I'm guessing it's a tv, but of course, I could be wrong. After all, this is merely a game right?

Wearily, I head for the door, but unconsciously make a detour for the kitchen. Stomach grumbling, I rummage the kitchen. The yellow walled room has a note on one clean brown table.(Ok, don't judge me when u read this. Only undertale fans will understand.) HUMAN, HERE'S SOME FOOD FOR YOU. ME AND MY BRO ARE OUT FOR THE DAY. STAY AT HOME. YOU WILL BE SAFE.

That was weird. Then, I see my bag sitting onto the table. Along with some kind of spaghetti. Hungrily, I ignore the spaghetti and dig into the butterscotch pie. I'm not going to trust anyone after the Alphys and Asriel incident.

I sling ny bag over a shoulder, ready myself as I walk towards the door, into the unknown. And I open it.

Snow is falling. Like flakes, they fell everywhere, covering everything in white. And the cold...just like ice. Grateful for the warmth the hoodie gave me, I trudged into the snow...


I twist my head around so fast it hurts. Shivering both from cold and at the shock, I turn to see a walking skeleton. It seems to be wearing some sort of red plate armour. What is this? The eighteenth century?


Something flickers in his bone sockets, other than surprise. Fear. All at once, I hear a sinister voice hissing,"He's going to kill you! Kill him instead! Kill him!"

Forcing myself to concentrate, I step forward and say,"Well, thanks for helping me. I'm sorry I have to refuse your hospitality but..."

I admit it was hard talking to a skeleton who was staring at you. It simple felt unreal.


Now that was a even weirder speech. "Hey, I'm not trying to kill you..."

I felt a distant rumbling beside me and I look up to see a couple of bones shoot up near beside me, a hair's breadth away. The skeleton seems to look very annoyed,(Like I said before, don't judge.) "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL NOT MISS AGAIN!"

And now he told me his name. If only all creatures were as innocent as this guy in front of him. This time, the rumbling was beneath my feet, and I leapt away in time to avoid the pearly white bones that jutted from the ground. Looking closer, I saw razor sharp spikes on the bones, which have the ability to pierce anyone and kill them.

Papyrus looks even more depressed at missing again.

"What's going on?"

And I turn to see the knight who saved my life.

Her spear is pointed directly at my heart.

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