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↑Papyrus battle theme genocide

«Wounds never heal, they're always there to haunt you, no matter what you do

The road is a long one. My wounds still throb, even after the seconds, minutes that have past. Scars of the past. One healing scab on my leg itches, and I resist the urge to scratch it.

The road is changing. No longer was it the bushy forest and wild flowers that lined the dirt path. Instead, it was lonely trees, their brittle branches bare of leaves. Cold and empty. Just like me.

For a moment, I think back again to my short abrupt conversation with that monster.

"Fris please...Fris! Stop! I don't want to hurt you..."

Her eyes, the brightest blue I ever seen, stare at me in accusation, before they turn somewhat duller, empty, devoid of life.

Unconsciously, I say out loud, "Alphys isn't who she is. She's Astriel in disguise."

But was it true? That she was not the real Alphys? That she could not control herself? I did the right thing. Alphys would have suffered under Astriel's control, just like Toriel. There was no way I could have done anything else. She's about to kill me! I had to killed, for self defence.

Two sides of my mind bicker and argue. One side, conscience, shouts that I can't decide who is wrong, and judge them. You can't kill them like that. But the other side, the larger one whispers to me that it alright. See? Killing is easy, and plus you're only doing it in self defence.

Just then, from the corner of my eyes, I see a blue flash. The slightest small rustle of snow against something else alerts me to the presence of another being. The slightest movement, so quick I could only see a whit blur. Someone who doesn't want to be seen. I whip my head around and survey my surroundings, but all I see is snow. Whiteness. Warily, I look around once more. Nothing appears. I wait for a couple of moments before setting off again.

The road is really a long one.


Snow crunches under my feet. I shiver a little, glad for the jacket I picked up at Alphys's territory. It looked like a normal jacket, but somehow, it radiated with unnatural heat, like a mini sun. Still, the cold was bone chilling.

Step by step, I trudge into the snow. Glancing back, I see my imprints edged in the snow. I knew I had to cover my tracks before someone noticed, but I needed shelter first. I was in desperate need of somewhere to rest.

That was when I noticed something. Some prominent tall red and white object, and it was moving closer and closer to me. My blood froze. (I wonder what would happens if it was literal. See that joke there? ;) )

I have to get out.

In a split second, I had erased three of my footprints and was making my way to a giant rock. My fingers continued to finger my weapon. Cautiously, I ducked behind the rock, peering out to see who was approaching. The humongous grey chipped rock blocked my vision, but it was very apparent what that creature was. A walking skeleton. He's no match for me.

Indeed, he had no weapon on him. However, it was better safe than sorry to assume he had some sort of magic, like Toriel. Suddenly, he turns his beady eyes to meet my gaze head on. We stare at each other for a second, him, stunned beyond words and me, stunned that I was that stupid to reveal myself.


Ridiculous. What kind of guy shouts when he talks and tells me his name? Real gullible, isn't he? Then, the ground stars to rumble and I throw myself clear as bones protrude from the ground as fast as lightning. Ok...maybe I underestimated him.

Papyrus looks kind of depressed when I escaped his attack. Well too bad for you, you bag of bones. Its time for you to go back where you belong. I charge recklessly at him, wondering how quick his reflexes are. He dodges just in the nick of time, sending another round of bones at me. I duck and let then hit the snow, one by one.


Papyrus stats to increase his attacks, and while it tiring as I leap away from those deadly bones that could pierce my soul as easily as a knife through butter, it's kind of easy. Like I practiced it before. My muscles move in coordination as I hit the deck, rolling. Every bone he hurled at me, every step I take forward, is a step to his doom.

I'm so close. Just one more step.

I slip behind his back and around him as he spins around, trying to find me. And I plunge my blade into where his chest was.

Dust. He slowly disintegrates into ashes, bones clattering to the snow and disappearing from sight. "W-WELL, THAT...WAS UNEXPECTED... BUT... STILL! I BELIEVE IN YOU! EVEN IF YOU DON'T...

His sinister eerie smile hangs in his jaw, still grinning as I lift my foot. And crush his skull.

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