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«You can either reach for the light or sink into the darkness, for there is no other option

White light. Pure. Unblemished and untouched. Entirely whiteness.

Yet I stand in darkness. In the blackness, I struggle towards the light. The glorious wonderful light that brings about miracles. Yet the suffocating darkness drains my strength, saps my will to fight. As I surrender my control to it, it drowns me in whispering hissing words...kill. Kill. KILL...

Light flickers on the edge of my vision. I groan, getting up on what seemed like a bed. Daylight shines in through a faded window, yellowed throughout the years it withstood.

In a sudden of surge of panic, I wonder if anyone is watching me. Search my pockets for my weapons. Sigh in relief as my fingers touch cold steel. Jerk back into attention as I think of why whoever saved me left my weapons untouched. They must be either very powerful or gullible.

In a second, I'm up, examining my wounds that are neatly bandaged. Most of them are already healed. How long was I out? Days, probably. Well, I wasted enough time here. Time to get going.

I think about thanking my savior. No time. Anyways, it might be a trap. Surely, no one in here is kind enough. They're all probably brutal and bloodthirsty.

Toriel comes to mind. But I brush away the thought as easily as swiping dust off my shoulder. She's an exception.

I turn to the window, and drive any fist at it hard. It bounces off the glass easily, as if the glass was made of soft rubber. It felt soft, yet solid. And not even a crack appeared on it. Darn thing.

I surveyed the half open door. The most obvious way out. I bang the wall in frustration, hoping to break it, yet it seems to be made of the same material as the window. The only hope of escape was that door standing half open. Obviously a trap too. Sighing, I step towards it and push it open.

A long corridor meets me.


I stand in front of a door. It looks almost half barricaded with chains and locks, hanging off every keyhole and inch of it. Its metallic surface was dull and battered, and long dents and scratch marks lined every corner of the metallic door.

I hesitated as I looked at it. How was I to get out? I got off my knife and cautiously prodded the door. Almost at once, a clicking sound emanated from the door and locks started to break open. Chains un-coiled and flung themselves onto the ground. In front of my eyes, the door disintegrated. Was it all a projection. I put out my hand to touch the broken locks on the ground, and my hand went through it as it wavered, flicking. Preparing myself for whatever monstrosity that awaited me, I stepped into the doorway.

It was dark. Very dark. I looked behind me to see the light of the corridor winking back at me, as if taunting me. I take a step forward.

Light blooms from above, showering me in cascades of flickering bright light. I squint, confused. Then, I realise I'm not the only one in the room.

Jagged teeth and crooked claws glints a brighter white than the light, smiling, and a pricing ice blue eyes stares back at me. Another monster, who looks on with reptilian eyes. "Oh, hi, I'm A-Alphys...you're...not supposed to be here..."

My fingers clamp down on the knife in my pocket, nervously fingering it. "Um...maybe, you're could...go back? S-sorry but...it's a really inconvenient time."

I take another step forward. Her smile fades a little, and she stays to shake. "Fris...please..."

"How do you know my name? You're Astriel, aren't you? Pretending to be someone else?"

"No! I..."

But I dash toward her, buoyed by my anger. Frustration. Regret that I couldn't help Toriel. I will kill her. She will pay for that. I will get my revenge. Alphys twitches as I draw blood on her flank, and fumbling with something in her blue coat. Suddenly, the room changes. Lasers burst out from holes in the walls, tracing deep lines in the floor as they zig-zag towards me.

I leap out of the way, but something red hot touched my leg and when I look back, my leg is blistering, a crimson line blazing in agony. "Fris! Stop! I don't want to h-hurt you but..."

I slash towards her. Her lasers suddenly encase her in a arc of lethal beams, so I'm forced to halt. It disappears after a few seconds, and I seize the opportunity. But at that moment, a beam swings towards me, and I dodge to the side, missing my chance.

Now I circle her in an erratic manner, trying to make a plan. I observed her as I feinted to the right, watching her tap on the remote control in her clawed hand. There. A blind spot, near her back at the left. As quick as lightning, I'm there, and Alphys turns to me just as I swing the blade.

Her fear filled eyes are the last thing I ever saw of her.

Only One Choice (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now