Fight Or Die

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«If you had to, would you kill in exchange for your life?»

This is...the end.

The daggers circled my neck, and I cringed as the front one inched towards my bare neck. I has no where to run. No where to hide. To escape.


The knives quivered, a little more than a centimetre from me. I gulped, but they didn't move, just stopped there in mid air. "Stop."

The daggers dropped to the floor immediately, clattering on the white floor as I carefully twisted my head around to see who my savior was. She was a woman, of around twenty years old. She wore a tattered shirt, eyes blazing as she glared at Astriel.

Astriel turns to face the being standing there, her face contorting from a mildly astonished expression into a look of devilish mischief.

"Well, look who we have here. The peacemaker."

She spat the words out like poison, but the being made no move towards her. Instead, it lowered its horned head and looked Astriel in the eye.

"This has gone far too long already. I don't know what game you are playing, but it ends here."

Even though the stranger loomed over Astriel like a overpowering giant, Astriel merely folded her arms and disdainfully spat out,"Do you really think you can win? I have more power than you can possibly imagine. I control your world now. Anything I want, I take."

The stranger stands her ground, even as Astriel moved forward. She stepped forward for every word she spoke, until she was barely an inch away from the being, and she hissed," And anything I don't want, I destroy. "

But then a wicked smile appear on her face. "Lucky for you, you've been interesting enough to me. Interesting enough for me to keep you alive. After all those people, all those still refuse to back down..."

"Enough! Enough of this talk, of all of this. You have taken too many lives already. This stops here."

Her eyes turn an intense scarlet, and a blue icy fireball appear above her hand. "Go away before you get hurt."

Astriel smirks,"Still the peacemaker I see. Lets get started."

Swords materialised from nowhere, half aimed at me, the rest at the stranger. They descend towards me, and I cower, throwing my arms up as if they would shield me. I close my eyes, not wanting to see it...but nothing happens. A blue translucent wall stands between me and the swords, and the swords stick into the wall, vibrating slightly. The same goes for the stranger, but then she waves her hand and the blue wall arches back like a trampoline, flinging the weapons back towards Astriel. She runs forward at an incredible speed, dodging the swords with amazing agility and as she hurls to the stranger, a pair of daggers appear in her hands.

In a blink of an eye, she drives her daggers into the stranger, but the monster leaps away in time, sending a blue tinged fireball at Astriel. She ducks, but it singes the side of her face, an ugly burn wound that destroys her perfect face.

"Finally some fight in you, Toriel. I was beginning to wonder how you managed you survive for all the while."

Tories answers back with a ring of fire that encloses Astriel inside, and the flames closed in on her like how her daggers closed in onto me five minutes ago. Tongues of fire lick their way to Astriel, and start to devour her, enveloping her entire being. But then, it explodes into flaming daggers, speeding towards me.

I cringe, forcing my shocked self to move out of the way. I leaped to the side, and for a moment I was suspended in mid air, watching, horrified as the deadly weapons zoomed to me. Then I was smashing into the ground hard, so hard that my bones rattled and teeth chattered from the impact.

But while most of the knives buried themselves to their hilts in the ground, three of them swerved and like missiles, trained themselves onto me. Bewildered, caught off guard, I could only look on. I could almost feel the knives piercing though me body, ripping life forcibly, tearing me into pieces.

But I only saw the same periwinkle wall appear in front of me, and I winced as the blades buried themselves into it. "Be careful child. The fight isn't over yet."

The stranger speaks again, looking at me with her fiery eyes. I shudder, but I'm distracted by movement in that circle of flames. Astriel emerges, and she's burnt in many places but she trudges out, one useless leg dragging behind her. Her eyes blaze with hatred and anger, but those eyes still have that same look of slight amusement.

"Well would you look at that. An aggressive monster who aimed to kill but yet act so over protective over a tiny human...lets end this."

Astriel balls up her hands, then opens them, palms facing me. A red pulsing light appears, hissing menacingly as it comes a blinding scarlet. It blasts from her hand towards me, but the blue wall enclosing me continues to hold, and the two strong forces battle, neither gaining the upper hand. Then suddenly, the red light vanishes, and I blink at the sudden descent of darkness. The stranger stumbles, a cry of pain echoing from her throat, and that's when I see the knife buried in her shoulder. Astriel clutches another dagger in her fist, and readies herself, raising it high to deliver the final blow.

"Stop it! Its me you want right? So fight me."

It continues to descend, and I'm afraid she didn't hear. But the blade stops, a inch away from the stranger and Astriel turns to face me.

"Fight you? You're just a pathetic weakling of a runt. But you're DIE."

She thrusts the blade towards me and it whirls, spinning head over heels.


The stranger gets up from her crouched position and blasts Astriel with a blue tinged lightning bolt. She falls to the ground, and the acrid stench of burning flesh fills the air. I duck beneath the blade as it flips above me then straighten up.

Blood has a strange colour. It stains the front of Astriel's shirt, blooming like a flower as she rasps,"You think you've won, but you're wrong. I am the master. I rule this world."

She shifts her mad bolting gaze toward me, cackling," And I will rip everyone, everything you love away from you. After all, its kill or be killed."

Her eyes fell blank as her chest stopped heaving. She slowly flickered, slowly becoming so translucent I could barely see her body until she vanished from sight completely.

But her chilling words still haunt me.

Kill...or be killed.

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