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«Regret is always very bitter.»

Toriel stretches out a blood stained trembling hand. I try to reach for it, but then hands clamp viciously on my arms, pulling me back. I try to shout, and a hand snakes its way to cover my mouth.

Helpless, useless, I survey the scene.

"Help! Please..."

I try to call, plead. But there's no one. No one there except Toriel as she breathes her last and me, restrained and held back by the iron grips of arms.

Then, the arms turn upon me, and as they close in on my throat, I see those same icy eyes. Astriel's eyes. She grins maliciously and points a finger at me. "Did you expect pity? Or even mercy? Wrong..."

Darkness closes in, creeping towards me in sneaky tendrils. And  Astriel's voice still echoes as the tendrils wrap themselves over my eyes, mouth, choking me, "After all, its still kill or be killed."


I'm first aware of a startling bright light. It glares at me, forcing me to open my weary eyes.

And I start.

A white room, almost like a hospital. Machines surrounding me, but only one is working. Quietly, I sat up, and ran for the door, hammering at it. Locked. A battered metallic device that sits on the cracked wooden table stars to spin and whistle on a pointed tip. Legs sprout from it, and it crawls, much like a six legged spider. Creepy. And weird. It glanced at me with its scratched neon blue eyes, then intones,"Do not worry. You are safe. You were found by my creator, and rescued by her. She is coming soon, now that I notified her."

So much for secrecy.

"Where am I? Who are you? Who's your creator? Why did she rescue me?"

The robot beeped and went quiet. Wearily annoyed, I gazed around the block like room I'm in. Machines, machines and more machines. Almost frantic, I rummage my pockets, within I'm relief as my fingers close over my pocket knife. Suspicious, I wonder, why?

Suddenly, in the middle of this whiteness, a panel of the wall folded upwards on its self, revealing a large entrance. Cool. Interestingly, there's a human, or at least, someone like me. For the brown-haired person that stares at me with wide slitted eyes, with a tail that protrudes out from behind, is no mere human.

"Oh good. You're a-awake."

As she spoke, I notice her weird stutter. "Who are you? Where am I?"

That was when a thought occurs to me. Robots...Machines...could she be? Nervously, I felt around the table for a weapon, my hands gripping onto a large metallic hammer like thing. If she was Astriel...."C-calm down, Fris, I'm not your e-enemy."

"Prove it! Why do you have all these machines and robots? Why do you look like that? How do you know my name? Tell me!"

She sighs, and leans against the wall. Her tail flicks, as if vaguely annoyed, and the scales glimmer a dull gold shade. She blinks her snake-like eyes and says,"My name, is A-Alphys. I-I'm not the Creator, or Astriel, in a-any way. I was also a-another survivor of this game. I made s-spy cameras and placed them everywhere. I know everyone, know everything that happened. I know T-Toriel died saving you from those wolves."

Open mouthed, I stared at her. She knew everything. It wasn't possible. But it was now. "Then, do you know how to defeat Astriel?"

She shakes her head, and though she looked impassive, I saw her yellow tail swish in the air again.

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