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↑Asriel's boss theme(basically reverse)

«If you're so eager, kill me then.»

A loud clapping booms across the clearing. As Sans's dust is carried away by the wind, another being materialised in front of me. A boy, with light brown hair. Without telling me, I know who he is. Astriel.

"Well, well,well. Look who came. So you indeed killed everyone in your path. So its just me, is it, Fris?"

The barb stings. "Shut up. You are only a liar and a cheater. You don't know how it feels, to be trapped in this world."

Astriel tilts his head. "Why are you even here Fris? You know its not just to save your race, humankind anymore, or don't you? Its not just justice anymore."

I stay silent. Rage boils and sings in my blood. "You like this. You like killing. And you want to kill me."

So simple statements. Yet they carried a truth and burden so heavy I refused to see before. "You were the one who started all this. You were the one who trapped me in this kill or be killed world. You deserve to die."

"Why kid yourself Fris? You alone know the truth...but in the end, you will still die."

He sends blots of light surging and zig-zagging towards me. I dodge them, but then my leg throbs wit pain, and I fall to the ground. When I look up, Astriel smirks above me. "Pathetic. Normally I won't do this, but it seems like you're no fun wit a broken leg."

Almost immediately, my leg starts to heal. My bones men's and knit themselves together, until all I see is a barely visible scar. It doesn't even hurt anymore. I stand up. And lunge at Astriel. "Is this how you greet someone who helped you?"

I ignored his words. I miss. He sends another torrent of bolts at me. With ease, I dodge them, and dive towards him. Like Sans, he teleported away, and appears behind me. "See Fris? You're going in for the kill straight away. No justice forgiveness involved."

I twist and hack toward him, then duck to the floor as he sends iron tipped spears in my direction. "Tell me, how does this relate to bringing peace to your world? "

I leap into the air and clear the obstacles easily. As I land, I hiss,"That's none of your business."

"Touchy. And I thought I was the one who was supposed to be the killer. Aren't you proving your theory wrong?"

I hack towards him, but he vanishes and reappears behind me. Ever time I twist, I speak, "You. Have. No. Right."

He laughs and then reappears to my right. "I'm starting to tire of this game."

Chains shackle around me and I struggle against them. But all I get is only a stinging sensation as the chains cut into my wrists.

"Well Fris? What do you have to say for yourself?"

"You're a cheat, a liar and bloody murderer! Do you have no conscience for whatever you do?! Do you have any mercy or pity for anyone?! No! You're just a killer!"

Astriel seems to flinch a little, and his laugh seems a little more forced. The chains seem to loose some. "What a speech. Any last words before I kill you?"

My blood starts to ice over. "I have no words for a traitor. A traitor who cared noting for his own kind! You barely a human anymore! You're just a monster!"

Astriel seems to be frozen to the ground. His face is frozen in a look of surprise and something that looks like...remorse. He grit his teeth, forcing out,"You don't know who I am. You don't know what I've been through. My own kind, humans, have destroyed my world. Don't you realise Fris? Humans are the cruelest creatures on earth. There is no such thing as peace. There is only war."

And that moment, I see my chance. I wrench my wrists out of the restrains, ignoring as the pain, and leap towards Astriel.




I missed.

Astriel grins, a mad bolting look coming into his eye. "Looks like this is the end Fris. Goodbye."

All I felt was that sudden hopelessness, that sudden loss of bloodthirsty urge to kill, that bitter sour taste of disappointment.

And darkness filled my world.

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