Stay Or Leave

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«Sacrifices are made because they believed that you would make it to the end eventually.»

I watch, transfixed as the body vanished into the ground. What, who is she? Is she an illusion?

The thought had just crossed my mind when I sensed a presence moving towards me. The stranger clutched her arm, which dripped red all over the floor. She held out her uninjured hand towards me, and I flinched, scrambling back from her. "Get away from me! Who are you? Why did you save me?"

It stopped, and I took the chance to survey my surrounding. All some sort of black stained walls, and ahead glows a dim light, flickering like a flame. Not good if I were to escape from this monster. Its too dark, and even if my eyes adjusted, I could trip over a rock. Not to mention, this could be the territory of the being in front of me with its paw raised.

The beast's eyes seemed to soften as she observed me. But I still can't trust her. Not after what had happened. Not after what she had done. She had the ability to kill. And I wasn't going to trust any stranger after what happened.

"My name's Toriel and I am the keeper of the Ruins, the place we are in. What's your name?"


I took a small step back, but Toriel doesn't notice.

"Fris, we need to go. This place ain't safe. I know you can't trust me after what had just happened. But please, if we don't go now, they will kill us."

I stop. Its either to trust this strange or not. One danger or another with the potential to harm. I know which one to pick.


We're in front of a dark purple door. Its looks like a normal door, except it shines as bright as a jewel and I can almost feel a searing heat radiating from it. I gaze upwards, admiring the towering peace as the "tower" ended off in a sharp triangular point. Its windows shone a moon silver, the frames a golden sun.

Toriel held me back with a hand as we approached. "Wait."

She strode forward and presser her hand onto the door. For moment, nothing happened, then a shockwave travelled through the ground and the floor trembled slightly. Then, the door swung open on its hinges. Mouth agape, I followed Toriel into the darkness of the house.


"Here's your room. I suppose I'll leave you here. You're free to explore the house if you want."

I eye the maroon tinged room. There's a desk and chair, a bookshelf groaning under the weight of some books and a bed. I turn to Toriel, questions burning inside of me. "Where am I..." The door closed softly behind me, and when I raced to the door, Toriel was gone.

With no clue, no knowledge about my whereabouts, now is the time to decide what to do. This seems like a trap though. Toriel arriving to rescue me was quite a coincidence, but I couldn't deny thinking of how motherly she looked, of her fury and yet bitter sadness when she glared at Astriel.

But there was one thing I knew I had to do. I had to get out. I had to find another portal to re-enter my world, Earth. I had to survive.

I won't be content living here. The fate of the entire human race rests on my shoulders. If I failed, they would send another human here to die. It was a death trap. And I had to survive it. No matter what, I had to warn the others on Earth. Do something. I had to.

But first, I needed to find an exit. I went out of the room, roamed the house. Weirdly, everything here looked just about the same like home, except it looked newer. I found the same purple front door, but it was locked. Giving up wrenching the doorknob, I wandered into the kitchen, opening the drawers. Inside were a couple of knives. I picked the largest one that could fit into the pockets of my tattered jeans. Its handle seemed to glint red. Somehow, looking at it filled me with determination, and I placed it in a pocket. Better to have a knife than be weaponless.

Eventually, I find myself climbing down the stairs to some sort of basement. It is dimly light, and the light blossomed into lanterns of equal size, yellow flames dancing inside. None of them were extinguished, and they seem to burn brighter as I passed them, and I had just turned a corner to see a blue cape vanish around another corner in front of me. Toriel. I walk on, trying to be as quiet as a shadow, but my footsteps patter softly, echoing in the corridor. Suddenly, I saw Toriel stop. "Fris. I know you're behind me, but please, go back to your room."

Curiosity sparked, I knew this was something dangerous, something I was not supposed to know or do. But I followed her. Suddenly, when I turned the next corner, there it was in front of me. A door that shimmered a scarlet red, sparks flying from it. Entranced, I almost bump into Toriel, and I clutched my knife tightly, knuckles turning white. She turns to me, her amber eyes flaming as she gazed at me.

"I suppose you want to know the truth now...I used to be like you. I made it into the end of this thing, what you call the Ultimate Game. But there...I was turned into this monster, forced to do the Creator's bidding. Yes, it wasn't artificial intelligence that took over the world. It was a teenager. A mere boy, but a genius. He was a prodigy. And he controls everything here. We call him the Creator. There are many of us here, people who made it to the end, but he found them interesting, amusing enough to be a piece in this game."

I was frozen, stuck to the ground. I had so many questions that burned inside me, but I knew than to interrupt them.

"We can't do anything about it. Its like being trapped in a game, one you cannot escape. Ahead of us lies the exit. If you continue forward, you will find him. Everyone that stays here meets the same happens again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child, if you leave, they...Astriel...will kill you."

I don't care. I step forward again, and Toriel signs.

"I'm only trying to protect you. But I see you're like the others. If you really want to go...then prove to me. Prove to me that you're strong enough to survive."

Immediately, a fireball is flung at me. I dodge it, avoiding the fiery missiles as a couple of them narrowly miss my head. A thought occurs to me, is she trying to kill me?

As if on cue, Toriel surrounds me in thick rings of flames, and the fire burns high.

"I'm sorry Fris, but the only way to prevent Astriel from killing more people in to kill you myself. Its the only way. I can't let you go. After all, its still kill or be killed."

My blood freezes. I knew my trust was misplaced. I'll make sure never to make that mistake again. But hearing that comment, that assurance that I'll die fills me with rage. I am not a piece in their game. I am not am expandable pawn. I will fight back. No matter what.

My blood surges with liquid adrenaline, courage and recklessly, I jump over the flames. Miraculously, I clear them and stamp my boots free of embers. Toriel recovers, sending walls of fire at me, but dauntless, I duck below them. Taking off at a speed I never knew I could run at, I slashed at Toriel. She turns around, but my cut opens her old wound. Distracted by the spurt of blood, Toriel throws another wave of attacks...A second too late. She groans as I slice a deep gash into her arm and then suddenly I'm the hunter, the predator. She's at my mercy.

But no more. No more trust. No more mercy. Its time for the death blow. My knife outstretched, I lift and it falls, a silver blur...


Undertale version:

Ok guys so this is the big decision!!!
Would you:
1. Spare Toriel (Pacisift)
2. Kill Toriel (Genocide)
If you get Pacifist, you can continue to part 1: Pacifist
If not, there's always part 2: Genocide

Only One Choice (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now