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↑Toriel's battle theme genocide

«In this world....its KILL or BE KILLED»

I know, that one thought, whether right or wrong, will decide it

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I know, that one thought, whether right or wrong, will decide it. And one sound...shatters the entire compound.

The sound of an ear piercing screech that leaves my ears ringing as I clamp my hands over my ears. The knife slips to the ground in a clang of metal. Its so loud that pain rocks through me, and then all of a sudden, its replaced by another sound. A sinister evil crackle.

Cautiously, I look up...into the eyes of a beast. Toriel glares at me through blue rimmed eyes, with golden flecks in them, unlike her normal eyes. "Well, well, well. Looks like its time to show my true power."

This isn't Toriel. Everything about her is different. Her aura, her way of speaking, her eyes. I'm dealing with a monster who has no qualms about killing. "Astriel. What did you do to her."

It's a statement. Not a question. Astriel forces Toriel to curl her lips into a smile, although it looks more like a grimace. "I didn't do anything. I'm just using her for a while."

I grit my teeth, and force out the words,"Stop it. Whatever you're doing, it isn't amusing. Toriel doesn't deserve this. You don't know what you're doing."

Astriel falters a while, then regains his smile. "And there I thought you were a natural born killer. Suspicious and skeptical all the way, you would kill to save your life...would you? After all, you almost killed Toriel. Or would you turn weak before you killed an innocent being like Toriel?"

"Turn into a killing machine like you? Kill everyone in my path?"

For a moment, Astriel paused. Something flickered in its eyes, much like uncertainty. But then, it curved Toriel's lips into a snarl. "How pathetic. A mere creature who tries to insult me with petty comments. Prove to me...that you are more than meets the eye."

Immediately, a torrent of fireballs is released and they shoot towards me in flaming arcs. Only my instincts saved me. I hit the floor and rolled, scrambling upright as fast as possible. Astriel grins, sending another wave of fire with a flick of Toriel's finger. I dodge it again, scraping my knees raw as I jump above and roll beneath the flames. "You might have some potential, but what will you do against this?!"

Suddenly, I'm surrounded by flares. Smoke fills my vision and Astriel is a blur of blue in my path. I cough, and Astriel turns in my direction, blasting me with fireballs. I take the advantage and creep up behind Astriel. The fog disguises me in a veil of half visibility, and the sound of my soft footsteps are muffled by it. It almost seems to suck up every sound in it, as I could barely hear Astriel's taunt,"Don't you know how to fight? Runt!"

My blood boils at that, but I restrain myself. I'm nearly behind Astriel's back. Then suddenly, Toriel spins around and lets loose a ball of fire, the impact at which smacks me back into the ground. "Did you really think...that you could trick me?"

Astriel steps forward at every word, and I scramble behind, until I'm pressed against the wall. She looks over me, casting a huge ominous shadow that hides me in darkness. I finger the knife behind my back.
"Did you really think...that you could kill me?"


My throat bursts out one word, and as Astriel is shocked beyond words, I fling the knife into her body. The only thing was, she recovered in time, stepped aside so that the blade missed by an inch. "Did you really think..."

She chokes, and blood spurts out. "What..."

Only then did she realise the gaping wound in her chest, the shiny crimson blade protruding through cleanly. She sinks to the ground, laughing and cackling. It's a sickening sight. " proved your worth...cunning...deadly...a killer."

And just like that, she leaves Toriel's body behind, slumped to the ground. I stand behind Toriel, and squat to retrieve that trusty blade. But a bloody hand grasped me in a vice-like grip, and I'm pulled downwards. "My child...I'm sorry I couldn' you...forgive me..."

I pause, wanting to say something. To the savior who rescued me. The one who was forced to harm me. Innocent.

But nothing comes out.

"My child...take care of...yourself."

Her breathing halted forever.

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