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↑Sans boss theme genocide (!!!!!!!!!!!!)

«You don't understand how this feels.»

Blood glimmers scarlet on my hand. I stare back at myself in the lake. Water flowed smoothly, gurgling over rocks, tripping and falling down, riding the flow of a waterfall. I look back into my image reflected by the shimmering sparkling clear water. A girl looks back, with ruffled messy brown hair and lips that twist into a snarl. Her eyes glint menacingly, as if piercing into your soul. It has a mad look to if I was...I was...

What have I become?

"A person who relies only on myself."

My whispered words seem to sigh around the lake, echoing in the clearing. Deep inside, I feel another voice say: A killer, who murders innocent beings that didn't harm you at all. I drown the voice out and it quietens like a snuffed out candle.

I have to get out of here. Now. Get out before someone noticed.

I hastily wash up, watching pink stained water flow easily down the waterfall. It tumbles, escaping down, and before long, was out of sight. Then I turned and left.


Its snowing. Whiteness clouds the floor and when I reach out a hand warily, my hand freezes from its icy touch.

"Hey kiddo, are you lost?"

I twist around. Behind me, in a dark blue jacket with a hoodie is...yet another grinning skeleton. He looks more casual and relaxed than Papyrus was, and he takes a step forward in his fluffy pink slippers. (*fluffy and pink, ikr, but still, Sans is awesome) What the heck is wrong with this world, I got enough dead bodies to worry about and I get another walking skeleton. It shoves its hands into its pockets, grinning at me in a wide grin. Unknowing, oblivious to what had happened a mere hour ago. I stay silent to its question.

"Shy, aren't you? Well, I'm Sans, and you are?"

I remain quiet.

"Well, I see you probably would want me to leaf you alone, but I just wanna ask: have you seen my bro? He's this guy in red amour."


In an instant, his smile vanishes and he frowns. A grim look comes over his face.


Then the next thing I know, I'm buried head first into a pile of snow. Sans stands, stiff in anger. Fury. Remorse.

"I know everything Fris. I know you killed Toriel. I know you were chased by wolves. I know you almost died there. I know you killed Alphys, who tried to help you. I know you slain Undyne. I know that you killed....Papyrus. And now, you want to kill me."

I grip my knife tightly. did he know? I had just decided to take the first step, first move, when Sans spoke,"You wanna have a bad time, kiddo?"

My knife is out in my hands instantly, knocked by a bone, and I twist to snatch it from the snow. Sans continues grinning ruefully. "It's beautiful day outside."

"Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming."

"And in day like this, kids like you...should be burning in hell."

And from his right eye erupts an flickering blue flame, burning intensely. Instantly, he lifts his hand, and I fly into the air, unable to move. "You have no idea how this feels."

He smashes me into the ground, and it starts rumbling ominously. I scramble upwards and to the right as something jerks up behind me and pain blooms on my leg. Razor sharp bones protrude from the ground, just like Papyrus's attacks but quicker, deadlier and full of hate.

Sans looks me in the eye. The hollow blackness within the eye socket glares at me, while the other eye socket burns with that intense blue flame, full of hatred. "Maybe I didn't mention it before, but kill my brother and you'll be dead where you stand."

Spending appears out of the blue, some skeletal face that opens its mouth and a brilliant electrical ball grows within.
I dodge away as the ball flies towards me and explodes in the snow, leaving behind charred nothingness. He's going to kill me if I don't do something.

One, he's fast. Two, he's angry, but not like Undyne. More of a silent simmering fury and hatred. Three...I sprint towards him, getting a nick and cuts on my leg as objects graze me, and slash downwards. He disappears before reach him, and then suddenly appear from behind me. My reflexes took over and I hit the deck, avoiding the incoming "missiles". Three, he can teleport. So basically I'm dead meat.

I try to observe Sans, but he's nearly unpredictable. And I'm getting more tired through my bursts of energy when attempting to hit him, and from blood loss. Then, all of a sudden, I'm up in the air, Sans concentrating hard as I go higher and higher.

Then, something knocks me down from behind, and I see Sans grin at me as we both fall towards the ground. He vanishes and appear back on the ground safely. Instead, I am the one who smashes into the snow with a sickening crunch, feeling a searing pain surge through my legs. Great, I broke a leg. My leg throbs, as if reminding me.

Sans grins reluctantly at me. He waves his hand, summoning more of those blasters. Get up. I try to move, yet my leg collapses under me. Get. Up. I attempt to stand up. I wobble for a few moments, then my knees buck. The blasters are forming that electric ball in their mouths, swerving to face me. Get up! I rise back to my feet, staining against the pain and move out of the way.

The blasters miss. Kill him. Now! I summon every scrap of courage, anger, fury, remorse. My guilt, my agony, my revenge in all just one blow. Sans teleported to the right as I strike. "You missed again..."

And I channel all my hate into slamming my knife downwards.

Now, all I see is blood. And dust.

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