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↑Toriel's battle theme

«Prove to me that you are strong enough to survive...»

I know, that one thought, whether right or wrong, will decide it

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I know, that one thought, whether right or wrong, will decide it. And one sound...shatters the entire compound.

The clanging sound of metal against the floor echoes throughout. Toriel looks up at you, tears brimming in her eyes, shocked as the blade rattles on the floor like a omnious cry.

"Why.. why didn't you kill me? I was about to kill you."

It sounded less like an accusatrather than question. I didn't know why. I only knew one thing. was wrong to kill.

"My child....I..."

That's when the house exploded.

Stunned, knocked away by a force that wrenches me into the air and then slams me to the ground, I lay there, trying to catch my breadth. Above me a swarm of something that shines a blinding silver zooms in on us. I narrow my eyes, and as they close in, that's when I finally see them.

Paws outstretched, fur a silvery gray, they land on the floor lightly on four limbs, snarling to face us. Its no ordinary wolf. Claws at least a feet long and razor sharp teeth that could shred anything into pieces in a matter of seconds, it's a machine. Just like the wolves I saw not long ago. Its a trap.

I register something on Toriel's face, something that looked suspiciously like fear, before she leaped up and cast a shield around us just in time as the first wolf pounced towards us. I quickly snatch up the knife that lies on the floor. "I can't keep up this shield forever! Run!"

I immediately turn tail and run. Heavy footsteps behind me echo and I know that Toriel is hot on my trail. I sprint the few metres to the scarlet door, slam it open and raced on into the unknown.

Pale flowers of all colours glowed eerily, like ghostly lanterns that lit up the entire field. Grass brushed against my limbs, a pale almost translucent green. It would be creepy, except that I'm trying to outrun and fight machine wolves so close I could almost feel their hot greedy breadth on my bare neck. Then the ground beneath me turns into hard dirt, a barren land.

"Fris, behind you!"

I spin around just in time as three ferocious blood thirsty wolves leap. Before I know it, I'm flung backwards into the ground hard, breadth knocked out of my lungs. They lean towards my throat...then a humongous fireball catches all three of them by their side. They slam onto the ground, bodies burning, but they still get up and charge. Back at me. Fending off lightning quick attacks from them, I sense another five wolves assaulting Toriel, who stands casting shields and blasts of iceballs at them. The iceballs look like frozen ice blocks, except that they burn a cold intense azure.

I began slashing away with my knife, ripping fur and flesh if lucky. But the wolves are so fast, so agile, they dodge most attacks and in turn, slices gashes on my arms. I bleed freely, scarlet liquid oozing onto the floor, as I leap and lunge forward. I miss.

Instead, I'm the one on the floor with a trio of wolves snarling at me. I frantically stab one of the wolves, catching it in the stomach. It howls and rolls off, writhing, claws slashing in the air as life saving blood pools around it. One down two left to go.

But just as my mind formed that thought, the two other mammals bear down on my throat, jaws snapping as I fend their attacks off. One of them had just reared up to deliver a fatal blow, when another wolf collided with it in midair. They are smashed off me, and I look up as a great shadow seconds on me.

Toriel stands over me, hands outstretched, smoke wafting from her. "Beware Fris. One wrong step and it's over."

The wolves recovered, and they circle around us, angry eyes glaring at us. There are only five of them left. I hastily scramble upright, holding my tiny weapon. It shines, wet with scarlet liquid.

They pounce at us in unison, teeth snapping. I leap out of the way, and swing my knife. It misses. Again.

"There's too many of them! I can't hold them off any longer."

Toriel blasts them away from us again, but this time, she sags from the effort. "Fris! Run! I'll be behind you."

I hesitate, glancing at the fetal beasts who are sprinting towards us. If we don't run now, the wolves will get us. Now or never. I turn tail, legs burning as I flee for my life. I hear the heavy breathing of Toriel behind me. The footsteps that suddenly stop and a loud crash resonates throughout the clearing. That's when I realise: Toriel isn't running. I am.

And as I twist around, I see the wolves pin down Toriel, clawing at her. I catch her eye, and see her mouth,"Goodbye Tris."

And the explosions start. A round of earth shattering, ear piercing sounds, making the very earth shake. I'm flung to the ground with a bone rattling crash, my raw skin aching from the fall. I'm bruised on my wrenched shoulder where I fell on, and it throbs painfully. Wincing, I push myself up with my free hand, ignoring the burn if my shoulder.

And I see disaster. All around me, are corpses, of wolves who writh on the floor, fur burning with an acrid stench, paws thrashing in the throngs of death. Then, Toriel.

I rush to her, sinking onto my knees in the ever spreading redness. A trickle of blood runs out her mouth.

"No! Toriel..."

A cold hand grasps my wrist in a vice like grip, and a hoarse voice emerges from a mouth,"Fris, go to Snowdon, follow the signs. There are others there who will take care of you..."

Her voice softens to a rasp, and I can barely hear it. All I know, is that her hand is slowly slipping from mine, becoming limp.

"Follow the stars. They will guide you...don't trust anyone..."

She coughs out redness, and weakly whispers,"Fris...promise me..."

She pauses, drawing breadth. And she doesn't continue. I shake her, at first gently, then violently as I realised what had happened.

"Nooo! Don't leave me."

Too many have already left me. My father, mother...I left my brother for this savage world to save him...and now my savior, another human much like me...gone.

Tear climb down my cheeks, but I refuse to wail aloud. I will not let this Creator, Astriel, whoever he or she was to control me. Will not allow anyone else to twist my life into a nightmare.

And I swear, I will have revenge for Toriel's death.

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