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↑Sans battle theme...sometimes it plays

«Please...stop...I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to kill again. Please ...stop.»

The snow is still falling. As I pull my cloak closer to my body, I glance at the right and nearly jolt to a stop as I see the knife I left behind still buried in the snow. A dark whisper fills my head, but I dismiss it easily. Still, even now, I can recall the darkness threatening to overwhelm me. Kill. Kill. Kill.

I touch the red scarf around my neck for comfort, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Papyrus for lending me his favourite scarf. Even he could see me shivering in this jacket of mine. Although he told me his brother wouldn't mind, I still felt bad stealing it. Yet the warmth I felt now was quickly swallowed up by the blistering coldness.

I quickened my footsteps, my feet crunching into the snow and I left the area. I had just reached the house, and I pushed the door, but it didn't budge a single bit. Locked. Someone is there. I attempt a knock. "Hey kiddo, did you see my brother, Pap..."

The voice faltered, and I spun around to see...another skeleton. Hands in his pockets, he wears a blue hoodie identical to mine. His fur lined hood hides his face in shadow, and when he draws his hood back, I see his real face. His face is locked in a reluctant grin, and although he is shorter than his brother, I can tell he's older than Papyrus from his extremely serious expression. "His scarf is with you. He never gives his scarf to anyone...So you want to play the game this way huh? Kill off everyone?"

But no, I didn't..."Toriel risked her life for you, and even Alphys helped you. But if you killed Papyrus...I swear you will die where you stand, you dirty brother killer...It's a beautiful day outside."

For a moment, I stare at him, stunned. How did he know? But then I realise I can't move. I'm paralysed to the floor. "Birds are singing, flowers are blooming."

As if on cue, a shrill cry echoes through our surroundings, and I can almost feel its loneliness. Ironically, no flowers were blooming. "And on days like this kids like you..."

Almost immediately, his eyes starts burning a intense blue, and a flickering flame dances around one hollow eye socket. And I realised...the at blue flash I saw when I was crossing into Snowdon...It was him. "Should. Be. Burning. In. Hell."

A gigantic force thrusts me into the floor, and thankfully, the snow cushioned my fall. I struggled to remember his name as another magical force thrust me into a tree, knocking the breadth out of me. I felt something prick my arm and a thin trickle of red liquid drip down, staining the brown trunk dull scarlet.

"Please...Sans, I didn't kill..."

He flicks his wrist, and the ground beneath me rumbled like how it did when Papyrus caused those bones to spring out of the ground. I cleared the danger zone, scraping my leg on one of those sharp bones. He's faster than Papyrus. I step towards him as he hisses, "That's what they all say. Please Sans, I didn't kill him...I didn't mean to do it...How can you be any different?"

I dodge his attacks as he flings bone after bone at me. "I didn't kill anyone! And how did you know about Toriel and Alphys?"

Suddenly, as soon as I said those words, he was in front of my face, so close we were almost touching each other. Then, in a flash, he was back to his original position. Teleportation. "Now you know, Fris. I know what goes on everywhere."


Sans twists around to see what must be the most amazing, miraculous thing ever. "BRO! WHAT'S GOING ON?"

Sans glances at me, and for a second nothing happens as he ponders about this. Then, Papyrus is trapped by four solid rows of bones that arc over his tall form and cage him. "THE HUMAN DOESN'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE! SANS..."

Sans turns back to me. "Sorry Pap. I don't trust any human after what happened last time."

"HEY! Sans..."

Undyne looked from Sans, to Pap, to me and back to Sans. "Oh. SANS, she's not..."

"Stay out of it Undyne. Its not your fight."

Undyne is flung into another bone cage much like Papyrus's. He turns back to me even as Undyne starts screeching,"You want a fight?! Fight me!"

Sans just smiles. "Knock knock."

Kinda of surprised, I realise it's a joke. A trap. "Who's there."

"Gaster." What? Who's Gaster?

"Gaster who?"

"G.A.S.T.E.R. B.L.A.S.T E.R."

Suddenly, something, much like the head of some bone dinosaur appears about of nowhere, and a ball of blue electricity forms and grows in its mouth. Its pointed at me.

I throw myself out of the way. To say I did that in the nick of time is an understatement. I had just literally jumped out of the way when it blasted at me, an inch away as it scorched and incinerated the snow to bits. There, the charred whiteness darkened as flakes of it settled back onto the ground.

"I'm sorry Fris. Even if you didn't kill anyone, I can't let you pass. Too many friends I made all perished when they tried to defeat Astriel. So please...DIE."

There was no way I could stop this madness. Sans was determined to kill me, and there was nothing I could do. Kill me. I shuddered, but ignored it. Killing him won't do any good. But killing me...

I ducked and dodged the Gaster blasters that chased me. They were getting more frequent now, and sometimes, it was merely luck that saved my skin. In a few more seconds, I would be there...then suddenly, a Gaster blaster materialised aimed at my head. I ducked it, realism too late that I had fallen into a trap. One of those razor sharp bones pierced me in the leg as I jumped past, another slicing a deep gash into my arm.

Shocked, I stumbled to the ground, feeling another shock at the cold that numb the pain. I tried to get up, but my leg bucked beneath me and refused to to move, pain crashing through me as I attempted. "Looks like its goodbye Fris." No...

A Gaster blaster materialised above me, and in it forms the pulsing blue ball of death. It grows bigger even as I try to pull myself out of the way, as Sans smiles sadly. misses. At the last second, it tilts am inch to the right, missing me and barreling to the snow.

He sighs, and under his breadth, I hear the laboured words, "No...I need...kill...its for ...better good.."

He raises his hand, and flicks his wrist, and I almost cringe as bones appear, glowing with a wavering blue flame. "Please. DIE."

The bones zoom towards me at an impossible speed, and I wait there, helpless, for death...but Sans flicks his wrist at the last second and the bones stop a inc near my face. Then, they drop to the floor, with a hollow clatter, and stay silent.


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