The Fallen Child

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«Isn't this what you wanted?»

Darkness. It floods my vision. Eternal blackness like ink blooms across every single thing I know, all my memories, all my thoughts consumed by it.

Suddenly, I'm back.

Everything seems to waver, become translucent and half visible. I'm back at where I first met Astriel. The patch of emerald green in the darkness where I first helped her. Where she first tried to kill me. Where I was saved by Toriel. Where my journey had first begun.

I look around, and then suddenly, I see something different. My hands...they're translucent.

No! It can't be!

I try to touch something, anything, but my hand passes through the floor. NO!

Then suddenly, the ground rumbles. And all of a sudden, a purple portal appears, shimmering lights that flickered unnaturally. I wait, watching, mildly curious as someone walked out.

Someone small, who was wearing a yellow green shirt. She clutched a teddy bear to her chest. She stumbles through, face startled with tears.

A surge of pity engulfs me. I walk towards the child, holding eerily. The child doesn't notice. Of course, I'm practically invisible. But as I approach the child, I feel something else. Something that overrides my previous sympathy. A dark tone that whispers something in my ear, continually hissing. Take it...take her soul...I feel empty. Empty of any emotion, empty of any thought. Hollow and joyless.

I reach out. And I grasp the child by hand.

And then sudden, I'm speaking. I have no control over any of my limbs, and stunned, I hear the voice that echoes in the child's mind.

Hello youngling.

The child stiffens. She hugs her toy tighter. She stays to sniff, her eye red and puffy.

Don't be afraid. I'm here to help you.

Something is wrong. I can feel it. I try to stop myself, clamp my hand over my mouth, do something. But all I hear is the voice, sweet and sugary.

Don't worry, youngling. Just follow my steps and you'll be fine.  The child whimpers, but eventually quietens down.

What's your name?


Hello Kris. My name's Chara.

You see that knife laying there? Pick it up. Don't worry, it won't hurt you. I won't let it hurt you.

The child hesitates, then picks it up. All of a sudden, I feel the renewed surge of rage, agony, and yet sweet sweet revenge. Kris, turn around. See that frog over there?

A green emerald frog bounced on its webbed feet, landing in front of the child. It cocked its head, look in up at her. Curious. Kill it.

Yet, the child stiffened, dropping the knife, cringing and backing away from it.

What's wrong Kris?

"I-its wrong to k-kill someone."

My child, Kris. In this world, its kill or be killed, and don't forget that.

The child was pale. She didn't understand, but she knew something bad was going to happen. "C-Chara? W-what do you m-mean?"

No! Don't!

But my body moved out of its own accord, reaching out and grasping the child by the collar. In the reflection of her shining innocent fearful eyes, I watched as my eyes became black. One fateful second passed. One fateful scream passed. One fateful sound echoed.

Redness was all over. Dripping from my hands, flowing from Kris, running and spreading on the floor. That green frog was gone, frantically bouncing away and croaking.

Isn't this what you wanted Fris?

That same honeyed voice dripping with venom now speaks in my mind. Who are you? Why are you here? What are you doing? Let me go! Why am I here?

You sure do ask a lot of questions. You're here, because Astriel discarded you. You still had a soul, then, so I absorbed it.

Don't you know who I am? I'm the voice who tells you to KILL. I'm the determination to keep going on, to KILL MORE. And I'm Chara, the fallen child. The child who Astriel thinks he had killed, but even though I'm soulless, I live on. I will treasure the day I will torture him and KILL HIM.

Laughter echoes in the confines of my mind. You're with me now, Fris. Don't try to escape. Because you can't.

You will be with me. Forever.

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